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KiwiSDR 2 shipping status, how often are updates?


As a guy in the que to get a unit shipped, I of cause follow the shipping status....

It is somewhat like looking under the Christmas tree for parcels with your name on....

Trust I am not the only one curious to hear when the new toy can be expected to ship.

Greetings from Copenhagen.




  • Orders through and including #1455 were shipped (assigned tracking at least) on Thu April 18 (Wed April 17 in Europe/NA). We're spending a few days now shipping units to distributors. Back to shipping customer units early next week.

    Compared to the last two builds we're more efficient now and most units have already been built, tested and packaged. Ordering began on Tue April 16 (Mon April 15 Europe/NA). So already that's much less turnaround time from order to ship than the 3-4 weeks of build #2.

    DHL is still running 7 to 10 days delivery to most areas.

  • Hi John, and all,

    Will it be possible to order the cape only ? I guess it's a bit less work for you to send the tested board only...

    Congrats for the huuuuge job done !👍️


  • Will it be possible to order the cape only ?


    But it's currently all marked as sold out.

  • Hi Manfred,

    Thanks for the answer. But, of course I meant : Will 'sold out' disappear ? Or ML&S, Wimo or another one, will add this possibility ?

    73, T

  • Sorry if I misunderstood your question, and good luck!

  • ML&S and WiMo will only be selling the complete units.

    We're not sure when the 4th build might happen (the next opportunity for you to get the cape-only product). As usual there are some parts availability issues to be worked out.

  • Orders through #1497 were shipped yesterday. Not too many left before we're done shipping build #3.

  • @dl7awl No worry ! 😉

    @jks Thanks. I'm not in a hurry... France is quite a dark area on the map. It would be worth to have good sites like the one of Philippe @Tremolat or the new F4KIY (

    73, Thierry

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