Integrated antenna switch (v1.666)

This discussion was created from comments split from: removing some new features on my kiwi?.


  • I have noticed on two separate KiWi's, that with the antenna switch in the control panel, antenna mixing is allowed, until you go into the admin GUI, select the antenna switch extension then turn the mixing off, on and off again, then it performs as expected.

    Only a minor issue, but some switches can clash if more than one antenna is selected.

    Otherwise, I think it's a sensible upgrade, as it means that you can now switch antennas and run an extension at the same time, without having to run multiple browser sessions.

    Thanks for the new features, all very worthwhile and making the KiWi even more enjoyable to use, especially as an admin.



  • Just a thought, I know it's only semantics, but maybe to alleviate the issue mentioned.

    Perhaps reword the "Antenna switch is not configured." to "Antenna switch not in use" to shift the emphasis from admin function, to user information ?



  • Martin, I'm having trouble understanding your comment.

    What exactly do you think is wrong when changing the mixing?

    If mixing is enabled, and two antennas are selected by the user, then mixing is subsequently disabled by the admin, then the user panel will still show both antennas selected since that was the last valid setting. It's not until the user makes the next antenna selection (with mixing disabled) that only one antenna is selected (and the others previously selected then deselected).

  • Hi John,

    Before the update that included the antenna switch in the RF control panel, in the original configuration I had set no mixing allowed.

    When the update was performed, it seemed to default to mixing allowed.

    In the admin extension panel, I selected no mixing, but the user control still allowed mixing to be performed.

    Selecting mixing allowed back on, and then turning it off again, resolved the issue, and everything now behaves as expected.

    I think something was initially out of sync with stored settings, and going through this cycle somehow reinitialised it.

    I hope that makes more sense than my original post.

    As I said, not a big deal, but just something that I'd noticed.



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