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Where are the logfiles [fixed in v1.666]

Got the kiwisdr2 running since March 3, really happy with this websdr, and especially that it can continuously run decoders. I run a FT8 decoder for 28 MHz continuously on one RX and see the evidence of that in the admin page, but, where are those logs on the filesystem, you will not find them in /var/log/user.log for instance.

Ernst PA1EJO


  • On the admin page, log tab, there are two types of messages displayed. Only the ones flagged with "L" are recorded to the syslog (in an effort to save filesystem space). So below the first two messages are sent to syslog but the FT8 PSKReporter messages are not.

    For WSPR there is an option to control whether decode messages are recorded in syslog or not. Perhaps I need to add that to FT8.

    Mon Mar 11 18:20:12 23:06:40.249 0... [03] L PWD admin config pwd set TRUE, auto-login TRUE
    Mon Mar 11 18:20:12 23:06:40.759 0... [03] L browser: <Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:123.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/123.0>
    Mon Mar 11 18:20:15 23:06:43.112 0... 0      PSKReporter spot FT8 10138.028   SM0NSJ JO79  -5  1478km Mon Mar 11 18:20:01 2024
    Mon Mar 11 18:20:15 23:06:43.113 0... 0      PSKReporter spot FT8 10137.919    UA9SY LO63  -6  3714km Mon Mar 11 18:20:01 2024

  • Would be appreciated since I would like to make a tally of the activities by day for instance

  • I have it working now. Will be in the next release..

  • On log file rotation, I see that this happens once per week, do you also remove the logs after a while? If space is a concern then maybe don't log everything indeed.

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