Spectral Noise Filter

Is there a URL parameter to invoke the Spectral Noise Filter on startup?


  • edited February 2024

    ADMIN PANEL, WEBPAGE TAB, Additional HTML/Javascript for HTML

    <script type="text/javascript">

    document.cookie = "last_nr_algo = 3";


    value 1 will enable WDSP and 2 will enable LMS

    well, I just noticed that it's about the url parameter for the LOL user, what I wrote obviously applies to the Kiwi administrator

  • jksjks
    edited February 2024

    Is there a URL parameter to invoke the Spectral Noise Filter on startup?

    Not a URL parameter (yet). But all the noise blanker/filter settings are stored in browser cookies. So should be restored when you visit the same Kiwi.

    For a Kiwi owner/admin you can set the default blanker/filter settings that all users will get the first time they ever connect (first time meaning they don't already have saved values in cookie). Do this by setting the blanker/filter the way you want and then using the right-click menu item save noise defaults (admin).

  • jksjks
    edited February 2024

    Also, the blanker/filter control panels each have a blue default button that resets all the parameters to the settings stored in the kiwi.config/kiwi.json file. Which could either be the "nominal" defaults or the ones set by the admin using the right-click menu described above.

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