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kiwi is not 'blinking out' a useful address at power up

Two scenarios at power-up:

1 - case #1

a) kiwi connected only to 5VDC

b) initially, a random scatter of 4-LEDs blinking that settles down to

c) a long display with all LEDs off

d) then forth-and-back blinking settling to a '1'

e) then repeating forth-and-back blinking (10-to-20 times can't count)

f) then all 4-LEDS settle to on

g) then a long display with all LEDs off

h) repeats starting at b) above

2 -case #2

a) kiwi connected to 5VDC and Ethernet port connected thru a smart

switch to the 'house' router/internet

b) kiwi finally settles on a blinking-out a repeating pattern of

1/0/1/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/1/1/0 followed by all LEDs on and then

a long period of all LEDs off

Is the above repeating pattern implying an address of ??

entering results in no connection to the kiwi. In the

past, an address like 1/1/9/2/1/6/8/0/0/0/1/1/5/(

would blink-out once the kiwi settled down after power-up

I am stuck ! Suggestions to restore this kiwi will be highly appreciated.

73 Dick/w7wkr


  • Assuming the SD card has been removed and the 5v PSU is capable of delivering enough current under peak load.

    In scenario 2.

    Does the green activity light on the Ethernet socket flicker ?

    Have you tried ?

    Can you log into your router and see what is connected to your network ?

    Alternatively, do you have any network scanning apps like Fing ?

    What happens if you leave it connected for a few hours, so that any software updates can be completed uninterrupted ?

    I'm not a software guru, but answering these questions may help others with the diagnosis.



  • Hello Martin

    Regarding ===>


    Does the green activity light on the Ethernet socket flicker ? NO, the green light is steady ON

    Have you tried ? Yes and get No KiwiSDR(s) found for your public IP address: 

    Can you log into your router and see what is connected to your network ? Yes and I do NOT see the remote router (GL-MT300N-V2 ) I use to allow the kiwi to be located remote to my noisy QTH. That this device is not found may be another problem

    Alternatively, do you have any network scanning apps like Fing ? No

    What happens if you leave it connected for a few hours, so that any software updates can be completed uninterrupted ? It has run over night and it is blinking out as an address to which I can not connect when connected to the computer ethernet port


    It was working fine when taken out of service and moved to this QTH. Same power supply/etc

    Thank you -- Dick/w7wkr

  • jksjks
    edited November 2023

    This sounds like a local networking setup problem to me.

    Try simplifying the setup. Get rid of the "smart switch" temporarily by connecting directly to the router. Try changing Ethernet cables. Unless you specifically disabled it the Kiwi should show up on

    In your first post you say the Kiwi isn't blinking out a "useful" IP address. But your description is impossible for me to understand -- too little information. The description of the LED pattern in the documentation is very detailed. If you study it carefully you should have no trouble determining the IP address the Kiwi thinks DHCP has assigned:

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