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Clone error code ? [improvements in v1.626]

edited September 2023 in Problems and Issues

Hi John,

I'm trying to clone an existing KiWi using the "Clone config from Kiwi host" function but I get the message "clone error #32512"

What does this mean ?




  • I don't know exactly. If the underlying Linux copy commands fail with an unexpected error then the returned error code is shown as a numeric value. Any of the expected errors are turned into error messages.

    I'd have to add some prints to the code to see exactly which copy command is failing. Right now none it is logged.

  • OK don't worry, it was only to try and better understand a problem I encountered.

    I think it is due to a mismatch between directory structures.

    I was trying to copy a KiWi DX config across to a Flydog with a corrupted config, and back again to validate it, but I hadn't initially realised the Flydog image was using a docker container.

    I've now located the relevant docker directory and transferred the files manually.



  • Okay. I made some improvements anyway to log errors from the copy commands.

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