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Kiwisdr New Image,

I have the following problem my beagle green was broken I ordered a new one now my microsd card from the kiwi is no longer available and I can't install the image manually either. Is there a way to get a finished image like the original, because that would be awesome


  • You're not able to follow the instructions here for downloading the Kiwi Debian 10 image to be placed on an sd card?

    What is the issue exactly? You don't have a way to write sd cards or something about the procedure didn't work?

  • I wrote it on the sd card, but my new beaglebone green doesn't react to the image, so I'm starting to despair of it

    Is there somewhere a finished image for the beaglebone green as with the original SD card

  • edited August 2023

    You're not able to follow the instructions here for downloading the Kiwi Debian 10 image to be placed on an sd card

    yes i did it but no reaction on the beaglebone what could it be

    What is the issue exactly? You don't have a way to write sd cards or something about the procedure didn't work?

    I can write to the SD card but the beaglebone doesn't accept the Debian and I can't install the kiwisdr software. What can I do or am I doing something wrong when creating the image? You can fix it with a finished image of the kiwisdr script

  • jksjks
    edited August 2023

    There are a few points that are important. Some people have reported that 32 GB sd cards and larger don't work. I have used 32 GB cards without problems myself. Try and use a 16 GB card if you can find one.

    Use a good quality card. See if your program that writes the card has a verify mode that can confirm the image was written correctly.

    You probably need to hold down the Beagle "boot" while booting. This is the little tactile button on the top (component) side of the Beagle above the sd card slot. It is not one of the two buttons near the 4 blue LEDs. The button is a bit difficult to get to because it is under the Kiwi board. I use a small flat-blade screwdriver to hold it down.

    Hold the button down before applying power. Then when the 4 blue LEDs light up wait a few seconds and then release the button. This should force the Beagle to boot off the sd card.

  • Which build is best for the beaglebone green? You can give a tip there and, if necessary, provide a finished script

  • I'm not sure I understand the question.

    If you have a beaglebone green (BBG) running the original Debian 8.5 when you received the Kiwi then it is now necessary to upgrade to Debian 10. And the only reasonable way to do this is to re-flash the BBG using an sd card. That's what these instructions on our website tell you how to do:

    The other possibility is to re-flash using an image from the official site: Select "Seeed BeagleBone Green" from the menu and choose: AM3358 Debian 10.3 2020-04-06 4GB eMMC IoT Flasher

    After re-flashing you'll have to go through another procedure to install the Kiwi software.

    But this procedure is almost the same as installing from the Kiwi image from our website.

  • edited August 2023

    kiwisdr is running again and could after I created a better power supply of 5V, it was easy to install and also with a larger micro SD card (32GB). This was possible without any problems

    Thanks again for your help.

  • Happy to hear you got this working.

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