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Camping [improvements in v1.620]

edited July 2023 in Problems and Issues

Hi John,

No big deal just an observation.

I was listening to a popular net on one of my SDR's, and using the camping feature as all of the receive channels were busy.

I noticed that if the user who I had piggybacked on disconnected, I also got dropped.

I'm not sure if this is as intended, as there were other net monitors using other receive slots and listening to the same frequencies.

Should I have been allocated one of the receivers when it was vacated, or moved to camp on one of the other users with the same receive parameters ?

I think I'm misunderstanding how this functions.




  • I will add a little to the theme of camping. Let's assume that KiwiSDR has masked frequencies with password access in the address bar. And there is an authorized user who is currently listening to this frequency. Then by connecting via the camping, any user will be able to listen to this masked frequency.

  • jksjks
    edited July 2023

    These both sound like corner-case bugs. I'll add them to the (already infinite) bug list.

    When the grim reaper comes calling for me I wonder if they'll have a look at my bug list. And decide I should live a bit longer because I'm already in a living hell 😹

  • Just add grim reaper to the black list and stop thinking about this!!!

  • Hi John,

    Oh dear, yeh that should be way down the list.

    But don't worry, for all your good work, I'm sure you will end up being hosted in 'The Cloud'.



  • jksjks
    edited July 2023

    I noticed that if the user who I had piggybacked on disconnected, I also got dropped.

    What do you mean exactly by "dropped"? If you mean the audio stopped then that can be a correct outcome. If you mean the connection to the Kiwi closed then that shouldn't happen.

    Queueing and camping are two separate things. So if you are camping without also being in the queue for a free channel then when the channel you are camping disconnects your audio will simply stop. But if you are also in the queue then if it is your turn you will automatically connect as normal. I just tried this all again and I believe it is working.

    It's also possible to be in the queue without having setup any active camping. So you wouldn't hear any audio until it was your turn and a normal connection was made.

  • I have a fix for the masked frequency leak. But it needs some UI feedback in the camping panel so you know why your audio all of a sudden went quiet..

  • Hi John,

    As I suspected, I was misunderstanding how this functions.

    I camped without queuing, so when the user I was camped on left, the audio was disconnected, but the GUI remained.

    This periodically happened to a few of the other folks on the net who were also camping, but not queuing. So maybe if a camped connection is dropped it should either see if another user is camped on the same frequency and mode, and then transfer to that, or if that is not the case then take over one of the spare receiver slots, if available ?

    It's not a big deal and I'll tell my mates to ensure that in future they both camp and queue, in order to avoid being disconnected.



  • I've camped many times without queueing before. When one leaves the connection I'm camping on, the audio always goes silent. If I'm also in the queue, it automatically connects me to a channel. I've always figured that to be normal. Just like you hear when they change frequencies, modes, bandwidths, filters, etc...

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