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Additional stations on TDoA map ?

edited July 2023 in TDoA topics

The TDoA extension has a database of VLF/LF references stations built-in with lat, lon, ID and frequency. Is there a way for admins to append other stations (perhaps HF) to that?

Possibly this is part of the file structure of the extension and would require rebuild every time a change is made, in which case please disregard the request.

73 Ben


  • The list of reference stations is downloaded from by the TDoA extension. With a snapshot of the list contained within the server itself in case can't be contacted etc. This is so a change can be quickly made without needing a new software release.

    But there is currently not a way to add private entries on, say, the admin extensions tab. There probably should be.

    If you have suggestions that make sense to be included in the global list let me know and I can add them.

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