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Re: All those 90 sec WF-only connections

edited May 2023 in General Chat

So this is kind of interesting. Look at PDF page 101, paragraph 3f, of this document which says:

Real-time monitoring of spectrum occupancy and propagation by collecting data from publicly networked software defined receivers.

So I wonder if it's the HFT guys that have been clogging up our public Kiwis with these 90 second WF-only connections. No proof of course. But they certainly have the deep pockets to have VPS capability from sites all over the world as we've seen from the geolocation info of the ip addresses used.


  • edited May 2023

    the guys behind HF trading.

  • jksjks
    edited May 2023

    So this is the future of HF: A war between wide-band OTHR and wide-band HFTS. I wonder how long it will take the Russians to realize they can not only spot airspace intruders with their OTHR but disrupt capitalist-pig commodities trading. The ITU is going to run itself ragged sorting out all the cross-border interference complaints.

  • Correction: page 101 of

    IMHO, the Bravos in the past nearly 20 years have become the worst of the lot with respect to electromagnetic weapons of mass destruction (aka OTHR)... though in putting together a presentation on those evil things a few years ago I found documents that appeared to confirm the one in KL7 used to frequent amateur allocations (well known to east Asian hams in the right locations after the UA0C woodpecker QRTed) & that the Gs have been at it since at least 1964 from ZC4. VK's EMWMD - which we used to get nearly 24/7 here on 15m (it still trashes 30m last I looked) - has been at it since the mid-70s... so nobody wears a white hat.

    ITU Cn Article 48 ( ) is often cited for green lighting anything & everything, but in practice amateurs know it's impossible for these things to coexist with other services without causing harmful interference as defined in the ITU RR ( for want of a better link).

    It's a common misconception that the ITU has something to do with enforcement. It's up to member-states to take each other to task for not being in conformance with all things ITU (Cn/RR) that they agreed to abide by treaty ( ). Which will never happen with OTHRs, as do-as-we-say-don't-do-as-we-do is a non-starter. There won't even be this:

    It's the Bravos who've in the past decade reverted to the pursuit of idiotology, though like the Russians (and to an extent, everywhere or so it seems) - for the elite & their buddies, enrichment has always been a priority - so it'll likely be a left arm/right arm situation when the HFT stuff gets trashed by their OTHRs.

    More interesting reading on this HFT stuff:

    Somewhat related to this: the report a little while back of dodginess coming from an IP from here in Hong Wrong - ~1 km line-of-sight to me - provided an excellent opportunity to further fail to disprove my theory on that lot.

    To summarise: making one's SDR publicly accessible helps those one would never want to help.

    73, VR2BG.

  • Hi John,

    An interesting possibility that it is the HF traders, especially since they seem to be admitting to it.


    What frequencies have they been tuning to, as this may indicate which ones are doing this ?

    Is there a way to log short duration connections that are doing unusual things e.g. not TDoA or quick checks to see if an individual KiWi is hearing a signal, and then impose a time limited block on the IP address ?

    Is there any way the HF traders could contribute to the running of the KiWi network ?



  • Please remember that this is all speculation. There are all sorts of equally probable scenarios.

    There are countermeasures in place beyond just the blacklist. It doesn't make sense to discuss them here of course.

  • After the initial flurry of interest in the Chicago to Europe HF circuits, there is now an increased focus on USA to Asia.

    Blog posts in Japanese

    Unfortunately the page doesn't seem to work with Google translate, so it's difficult to read the full set of comments.

    Japanese Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications has licensed the following two experimental shortwave stations to DATACOM SERVICES LLC in Chiba Prefecture near Tokyo

    Callsign JS2RA 

      License period 15 September 2022 - 31 December 2023 

      for data transmission to Chicago 

    Power 10 kW

    D1D 6864 6900 9081 9126 kHz

      G1D 10845 10953 12117 12159 14673 14736 16119 16209kHz

     Call sign JS2RB 

      License period 15 Jan 2023 - 31 Dec 2023 

      for data transmission to the Philippines 

    Power 5 kW

      D1D 6864 9081 10845 12117kHz

    G1D 14673 16119kHz

    It also looks like the McKay Brothers (another HF trading company) are perhaps testing low power HF links between a few locations in Japan.



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