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kiwisdr not starting [fixed]

edited May 2023 in Problems Now Fixed

Hello all,

My remote kiwisdr is not starting ( can ssh into unit). I see the following error in var/log/messages

May 15 15:26:01 kiwisdr kiwid: 00:00:00.992  compiled: May 15 2023 14:21:30 on kiwisdr

May 15 15:26:01 kiwisdr kiwid: 00:00:00.996  /etc/debian_version 8.5

May 15 15:26:01 kiwisdr kiwid: 00:00:01.071  cfg_parse_json: file /root/kiwi.config/kiwi.json line=573 position=11624 token=931 the string is not a full JSON packet, more bytes expected

May 15 15:26:01 kiwisdr kiwid: 00:00:01.075   }

May 15 15:26:01 kiwisdr kiwid: 00:00:01.079    ^ JSON error position

the last part of the kiwi.json is


     "min": 25600,

     "max": 26100,

     "name": "11m",

     "svc": "B",

     "itu": 0,

     "sel": "",

     "chan": 0


Any thoughts on getting it going?


Matt S


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