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Cannot Access my KiwiSDR via Reverse Proxy

Hi Group,

A few days ago we had someone in from our ISP to deal with a slow Wi-Fi problem. In the process they upgraded our router to a newer model, which didn't really solve the problem, but anyway.

Since that time no one has been able to access my Kiwi via They get the following error message:

The page you visit not found.

Sorry, the page you are looking for is currently unavailable.

Please try again later.

The server is powered by frp.

Faithfully yours, frp.

I can access the Kiwi locally using kiwisdr.local:8073 but not from outside my local network. I've been a longtime user of the Reverse Proxy service, and am thinking I'm not accessing it correctly, or something...

Any help would be greatly received.


Ken Alexander, VE3HLS


  • jksjks
    edited March 2023

    Is this a public Kiwi? I can't find any record of it. The last time it used the proxy service its public ip address was 134.236.x.x which is allocated to an ISP in Thailand. That can't be right, can it? Are you using a global VPN on your router?

    Have you tried completely power cycling your Kiwi? The proxy server sees no recent connection attempt (last close was 02-27 10:20:51 UTC).

  • Hi,

    The Thailand ISP would be correct. I'm located in northeast Thailand.

    I occasionally use a VPN on one computer or another but not one associated with the router.

    I haven't made it public so far, only to users in a few groups. I suppose I can make it public. I was just hoping to avoid problems that I read others are having with their users.

    I don't know how to power cycle my Kiwi, short of unplugging it and plugging it back in. Haven't been able to access my Admin page to see if there's a better way.

  • Ah!

    I found my way to the Admin page and restarted the Beaglebone and KiwiSDR and all is good now!

    First troubleshooting I've had to do in the 7 or 8 years I've had my Kiwi!

    Thank you!

    Ken, VE3HLS

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