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Discrepancy on Admin Network Page

I'm working through an issue with Frontier Fiber not allowing port 8073 access, but noticed that there is a discrepancy between the KiwiSDR IP address in the "configuration UI boxes" and the IP the summary below. For example, I can access everything fine locally on 192.168.4.x, and the UI says that IP address, netmask and gateway are fine, but the summary text at the bottom indicates my internal network is 10.0.0.X. (See attached image)

Any reason the summary doesn't reflect my actual internal network?


  • jksjks
    edited February 2023

    What happens if you reload the admin page? What about after restarting the Kiwi?

    Had you just changed from DHCP mode to a static address?

    Does any part of your network use addresses?

  • I used to use 10.0.0.x with a Netgear router.

    Changed to a new provider with fiber connection, they provide EERO router. Configured EERO to port forward just like the old Netgear, but EERO insisted on making internal network 192.168.4.x. The Kiwi happily connects as kiwisdr.local at

    I have restarted both the Kiwi and the Beagle (but without pulling power). But the summary text on the admin network page says the internal network is 10.0.0.x.....

  • All static IPs on the internal network.

  • jksjks
    edited February 2023

    The IP addr shown after "private IP address" is determined at Kiwi server start time by a complicated process of looking at all network interfaces. Could you paste here some debug messages you'll find on the admin page, log tab please? (or email to

    They should be in the upper half of the log messages and look something like this: (starting with "NET(0)" And also go to the console tab and type cat /etc/network/interfaces and copy/paste the result. Thanks.

    Sun Feb 19 22:11:44 00:00:03.173 ....   L NET(0) DEBUG getifaddrs: IF lo fam=17(other) flags=0x10049 UP RUNNING | BAD: family

    Sun Feb 19 22:11:44 00:00:03.174 ....   L NET(0) DEBUG getifaddrs: IF eth0 fam=17(other) flags=0x11043 UP RUNNING | BAD: family

    Sun Feb 19 22:11:44 00:00:03.174 ....   L NET(0) DEBUG getifaddrs: IF usb0 fam=17(other) flags=0x1003 UP | BAD: family

    Sun Feb 19 22:11:44 00:00:03.175 ....   L NET(0) DEBUG getifaddrs: IF lo fam=2(ipv4) flags=0x10049 UP RUNNING | BAD: IF

    Sun Feb 19 22:11:44 00:00:03.175 ....   L NET(0) DEBUG getifaddrs: IF eth0 fam=2(ipv4) flags=0x11043 UP RUNNING | OK

    Sun Feb 19 22:11:44 00:00:03.175 ....   L NET(0) DEBUG IF IPv4 0xc0a80165 /24 0xffffff00 eth0

    Sun Feb 19 22:11:44 00:00:03.176 ....   L NET(0) DEBUG getifaddrs: IF usb0 fam=2(ipv4) flags=0x1003 UP | BAD: IF

    Sun Feb 19 22:11:44 00:00:03.176 ....   L NET(0) DEBUG getifaddrs: IF lo fam=10(ipv6) flags=0x10049 UP RUNNING | BAD: IF

    Sun Feb 19 22:11:44 00:00:03.177 ....   L NET(0) DEBUG getifaddrs: IF eth0 fam=10(ipv6) flags=0x11043 UP RUNNING | OK

    Sun Feb 19 22:11:44 00:00:03.177 ....   L NET(0) DEBUG IF IPv6 LINK-LOCAL /64 eth0

    Sun Feb 19 22:11:44 00:00:03.178 ....   L NET(0): private IPv4 <> 0xc0a80165 /24 0xffffff00 eth0

    Sun Feb 19 22:11:44 00:00:03.178 ....   L NET(0): private IPv6 LINK-LOCAL <fe80::8a4a:eaff:fee0:fdd%eth0> /64 ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00: eth0

    Sun Feb 19 22:11:44 00:00:03.178 ....   L NET(0) DEBUG ip4_valid=1 ip4_6_valid=0 ip6_valid=0 ip6LL_valid=1

  • I have no problem connecting to kiwisdr.local:8073 on my 192.168.4.x network. But obviously the kiwi thinks it is somewhere else. Also, there is no USB connected....

    root@kiwisdr:~/Beagle_SDR_GPS# cat /etc/network/interfaces
    auto lo
    iface lo inet loopback
    auto eth0
    iface eth0 inet static
    iface usb0 inet static

  • I edited /etc/network/interfaces, rebooted, and all appears to be well. Thanks!

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