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v1.572: EiBi database and label-stepping fixes

From the CHANGE_LOG file:

v1.572 Dec 29, 2022

  EiBi database fixes:

    The label stepping function (alt-pan buttons or shift-alt/ctrl LR-arrow keys) with EiBi labels

    was completely broken. The EiBi category selection and "filter by time/day-of-week" in the

    "DX label edit" panel was not considered properly. In addition, entries in the

    "DX label filter" panel are now properly considered.


    Fix category misclassification of Shannon Aeradio and a few broadcast stations (e.g. WBCQ) in

      the 5130 - 5150 kHz range.


  • I can't believe no one ever complained about this, lol (not surprising I guess given that I spotted it more or less by accident).

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