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Simple tutorial for decoding FT8 with Kiwi SDR standalone

Sorry for asking, but after searching on this forum, and on various thread all over the web, I didn't understood quiet well how to handle FT8 decoding using my KiwiSDR alone.

I can of course stream sound to WSJT-x but this is not what I would like to do.

I wish I could :

1) get a FT8 decoder like an extension like WSPR extension. It seems it does not exist for now is there an alternative for that?

2) It seems it may exists some solution using DigiSkimmer but I'm a newbie, how should it be installed? I don't find anywhere a step by step tutorial

Sorry for asking such basic question but would love to make this KiwiSDR running alone and reporting its spots from my remote location on PskReporter

Thanks for any tips!


  • edited October 2022

    Indeed Digiskimmer is a good choice for FT8 monitoring and sending your reports to PSKreporter. You also could have a look at Weakmon ( .

    To avoid damaging or interfering with your Kiwi install a safe way to do this is by not installing any of these on your Kiwi but on a separate PC or notebook computer or a single board computer like a Raspberrypi or Odroid.

    That computer needs to be able to run Python and you may want to leave it online for long periods to get a good view of your reception. These programs use Kiwiclient and all you need to connect is your kiwi ip address, port and password if used. This info plus the bands you want to monitor go in a configuration file.

    73 Ben

  • edited October 2022

    Perhaps a KiwiSDR using a BBAI or BBAI64 could do that but I'll venture that a normal one with BBG lacks enough power and perhaps memory to do it.

  • Thanks Ben for your advice, I will give it a try

    @WA2ZKD will give a look to BBAI64 thanks

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