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How to update to KiwiSDR v1.558?

While I've noticed the latest updates to v1.558 on KiwiSDRs from around the world, I kept seeing v1.557 at my KiwiSDR admin dashboard when checking. What seems to be the problem, and what could be done to get updated to KiwiSDR v1.558? Thanks!


  • edited September 2022

    Hi, I think usually no difference how update KiwiSDR software version: 

    1. (Preferred) Automatic or manual from the Admin web page via "Check now" and "Build now" buttons, but if this method don't work you can try understand reason "Why?" - check logs and "m blog". Maybe problem with Internet access to GitHub or Debian repository’s.

    2. Use SSH connect from Putty or other preferred SSH client and after "sudo su" and "cdp" run ."/up" script or manually stop service and "git pull" and make&&make install from Linux console.

    3. Re-flash img from KiwiSDR and start update it again, of course with backup and then restore your configuration ("/root/kiwi.config/")

  • a705ebc4 2022-08-30 v1.557
    f5a9e4ec 2022-08-30 Merge pull request #684 from jks-prv/develop
    323b3c41 2022-08-09 debugging for ip_blacklist problem
    f5a9e4ec 2022-08-30 Merge pull request #684 from jks-prv/develop
    323b3c41 2022-08-09 debugging for ip_blacklist problem

    gup got this.

  • what action did you take to get that output?

  • "gup" and others. Then the server msg stays that way.

  • I think you somehow got that develop branch in your system and it likely messed things up. Did force update from the admin page not work?

  • edited September 2022

    Command gup it is alias for: "gup='gcl; gco .; gpu"

    glc = git clean -fd
    gco = git checkout
    gpu = git pull -v

    all alias you can print on Linux shell with "alias -p" under root.

    Try on SSH console:

    sudo su
    git checkout master

    If you already on master you must see "Already on 'master'", if not, - you must see info about switching to master and then try "Check now" and "Build now" from admin page

  • jksjks
    edited September 2022

    You didn't wait long enough. At the time you sent your message the update window had not yet reached your location. It should reach you about now as I type this message.

    The update window is 1 - 6 AM local time. When I pushed the update yesterday the window was over the Middle East (and traveling westward). So your location would not enter the window until ~20 hours later. This is done so that Kiwis update at a time when they are (presumably) less busy.

    All of this assumes you have automatic updates enabled (switches on the admin page, update tab). And have not done anything else non-standard that might interfere with the process.

  • jksjks
    edited September 2022

    what action did you take to get that output?

    That can come from the gcoms alias, short for git log --pretty=format:'\''%h %ad %s'\'' --date=short as in "git commits".

  • I did think of " the international dateline " which I quickly forgot about, for ISP at server level, until you talked about localized opening windows. I have just checked on my admin interface for new software at 2350 UTC, it remained at v1.557.

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