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Where to download Kiwi SDR Image

Hi all,

Tried to find Where to download Kiwi SDR Image, I would appreciate if someone could point me to the location of the SD Card image.




  • edited June 2022


    I have extracted the Debian 10 image and loaded it onto the sd card with Pi Imager but the BBB will not load this image, I have waited well over 1 hr but it did not flash the BBB with the new image.

    Any ideas ? should the kiwi board not be attached when loading on a new image ?

    The reason for all this is because my 4g Modem is not working now for some reason and I lost connectivity to the Kiwi, I have now got fibre to the house and was in the process of changing the Kiwi onto the new network but because the Kiwi is set to static it is not possible to connect to it any more on the new network.

    I tried to connect via USB but I can't get this working.

    Oh yeah, I lost the original SD card.

  • Update, I remembered I had another old 4G modem lying around with the same 192.168.8.xx address range so I connected the Kiwi to this and got to change to DHCP.

  • jksjks
    edited June 2022

    So when trying to reflash using the Deb 10 image on an sd card you don't even get the start of the "back and forth" pattern in the 4 LEDs? With D10 you might have to hold down the "boot" button on the Beagle while you power up as explained in figure 6 the BBG manual The Kiwi board can be attached when reflashing. I always disconnect the Ethernet when reflashing just in case.

  • Hi John,

    No, no back and forth LEDs, yes I can try hold down the boot button, I will try with my 2nd Kiwi while I try decide how I am going to mount the antenna for this.

  • Without the back-and-forth LEDs, troubleshooting can be difficult. Holding down the boot button is an excellent place to begin. Best wishes on your second Kiwi and antenna mounting decision!

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