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Setting the squlech level from the spectrum display

Another idea for discussion.

I quite often use the peak hold option on the spectrum display to observe which frequencies have been active during a longer period of time.

It would be very useful to be able to set the squelch level in addition to the frequency, when you click on a specific area of the graph, maybe just when the peak hold is in use. For example if a peak is observed or stored, clicking on the plot at a slightly lower level than the peak, or maybe it could automatically set a threshold value if the peak is selected ?

This would allow quick tuning and monitoring of a frequency which had been active, but only transmits very infrequently.

Maybe the peak hold could also have the option to refresh or only use the last X number of samples, so that it would be possible to define the period of stored peak activity e.g the last X minutes or X sweeps ?

I realise that I'm perhaps a bit unusual from the 'average' KiWi user, in that I'm effectively using it as an 'intercept' receiver, but maybe others may have a use for similar functions.




  • Martin... have you explored the use of kiwi_nc from the kiwiclient suite? Not so much for your ask above, but as a general rx tool

  • Hi Jim,

    No I haven't really done much with the kiwiclient suite, but maybe I should.

    However I have two problems to overcome before I can do this.

    1. I'm not a software / Linux kind of guy.
    2. Limited documentation that would assist a 'newbie' to get it up and running in a Windows environment, and then understand how to configure and use it.

    What did you have in mind WRT kiwi_nc in specific ?

    Maybe I could be persuaded to investigate it further :-)



  • Usage: [options]


     -h, --help      show this help message and exit

     --log=LOG_LEVEL, --log-level=LOG_LEVEL, --log_level=LOG_LEVEL

                Log level: debug|info|warn(default)|error|critical

     --progress      Print progress messages instead of output of binary


     -k SOCKET_TIMEOUT, --socket-timeout=SOCKET_TIMEOUT, --socket_timeout=SOCKET_TIMEOUT

                Timeout(sec) for sockets

     -s SERVER_HOST, --server-host=SERVER_HOST

                Server host (can be a comma-delimited list)

     -p SERVER_PORT, --server-port=SERVER_PORT

                Server port, default 8073 (can be a comma delimited


     --pw=PASSWORD, --password=PASSWORD

                Kiwi login password (if required, can be a comma

                delimited list)

     --tlimit-pw=TLIMIT_PASSWORD, --tlimit-password=TLIMIT_PASSWORD

                Connect time limit exemption password (if required,

                can be a comma-separated list)

     -u USER, --user=USER Kiwi connection user name

     --launch-delay=LAUNCH_DELAY, --launch_delay=LAUNCH_DELAY

                Delay (secs) in launching multiple connections


                Frequency to tune to, in kHz (can be a comma-separated

                list). For sideband modes (lsb/lsn/usb/usn/cw/cwn)

                this is the carrier frequency. See --pbc option below.

     --pbc, --freq-pbc   For sideband modes (lsb/lsn/usb/usn/cw/cwn) interpret

                -f/--freq frequency as the passband center frequency.

     -m MODULATION, --modulation=MODULATION

                Modulation; one of am/amn, sam/sau/sal/sas/qam,

                lsb/lsn, usb/usn, cw/cwn, nbfm, iq (default passband

                if -L/-H not specified)

     --ncomp, --no_compression

                Don't use audio compression (IQ mode never uses


     -L LP_CUT, --lp-cutoff=LP_CUT

                Low-pass cutoff frequency, in Hz

     -H HP_CUT, --hp-cutoff=HP_CUT

                Low-pass cutoff frequency, in Hz

     --tlimit=TLIMIT, --time-limit=TLIMIT

                Record time limit in seconds

     -T THRESH, --squelch-threshold=THRESH

                Squelch threshold, in dB.


                Time for which the squelch remains open after the

                signal is below threshold.

     -g AGC_GAIN, --agc-gain=AGC_GAIN

                AGC gain; if set, AGC is turned off (can be a comma-

                separated list)


                AGC decay (msec); if set, AGC is turned on


                AGC options provided in a YAML-formatted file

     --de-emp       Enable de-emphasis.

     --wf, --waterfall   Process waterfall data instead of audio

  • Hi Jim,

    Thanks for that, I had seen it before, and I can see the application WRT a 'scan' list, but from my perspective it just emphasises the two points I made earlier in the thread.

    It's a lot easier if you are familiar with the OS and terminology, but maybe not so easy for a semi casual KiWi user who is mainly Windows orientated, like myself.

    I guess I need to set aside some time to figure out all of the above, but I do appreciate the effort that has gone into providing such a tool set for the advanced user, but maybe it's just not for a 'tool' like me :-)



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