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rsyslogd action 'action 18' suspended [fixed in v1.556]

My /var/log/syslog has lots of messages like this:

root@kiwisdr:/var/log# tail -10 syslog

Feb 16 00:04:34 kiwisdr rsyslogd-2007: action 'action 18' suspended, next retry is Wed Feb 16 00:05:34 2022 [try ]

Feb 16 00:05:48 kiwisdr rsyslogd-2007: action 'action 18' suspended, next retry is Wed Feb 16 00:06:48 2022 [try ]

Feb 16 00:15:39 kiwisdr systemd-timesyncd[225]: interval/delta/delay/jitter/drift 2048s/+0.001s/0.159s/0.004s/-38ppm

Feb 16 00:15:39 kiwisdr rsyslogd-2007: action 'action 18' suspended, next retry is Wed Feb 16 00:16:39 2022 [try ]

Feb 16 00:17:01 kiwisdr rsyslogd-2007: action 'action 18' suspended, next retry is Wed Feb 16 00:18:31 2022 [try ]

Feb 16 00:17:01 kiwisdr CRON[12641]: (root) CMD (  cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)

Feb 16 00:18:34 kiwisdr rsyslogd-2007: action 'action 18' suspended, next retry is Wed Feb 16 00:20:04 2022 [try ]

Feb 16 00:25:36 kiwisdr kiwid: 1d:07:01:46.815 0... 0       0.00 kHz am z0 "SNR-measure" internal task (ARRIVED)

Feb 16 00:25:36 kiwisdr rsyslogd-2007: action 'action 18' suspended, next retry is Wed Feb 16 00:27:06 2022 [try ]

Feb 16 00:25:38 kiwisdr kiwid: 1d:07:01:48.290 .... 0       0.00 kHz am z0 "SNR-measure" internal task (LEAVING after 0:00:02)

I find lots of historical discussion here about "action 'action 17' suspended" but nothing about 'action 18'. Does anyone know what this is about?


  • I had setup rsyslog to forward logs to another server. I will try disabling that temporarily and see if it makes any difference.

  • I use this basic setup and this seems to work OK




           mail,news.none    @<external log server IP>

    (Make sure there is no mention of /dev/xconsole)

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