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DX Labels - a few ideas

Some suggestions (maybe some of this is already in the works):

Importing DX labels from a text file. I'm fine with pretty much whatever format you want to use, I can change my data to match. This would be huge, and make it possible to easily add lots of DX labels. Especially as I have seven KiwiSDRs here.

A password option to let non local users to set DX Labels - I have a few trusted users who I would like to allow to add/edit labels. Would it be possible to add some way for them to enter a password to be able to do this? It could even be something added to the URL if that makes things easier on your end.



  • I'm hoping the DX tab in the web admin will eventually aid in doing some of this. I also would like request ability to upload DX labels via a text file and then allow quick editing on the DX tab if necessary. Maybe adding a category field or tag to the label would be helpful, too? (SWBC, ham, utility, etc.)

    I appreciate all the hard work that goes into adding improvements and features. Thanks!

  • I have a script I wrote awhile ago that merges 2 dx.json files. I'll clean it up and make it available.

  • Here's what an entry in dx.json if beautified...





       "Grindavik Iceland",




    Is there a place in the kiwi src code that defines each line?

  • Personally I've found the existing DX.JSON file to be difficult to export, modify and import back, without seriously messing up the structure, and I've not been able to find a suitable tool to partially automate the process.

    I agree with the others, it would make a huge difference if the DX.JSON file could be exported with parameters and text strings as comma separated values (or some other delimiter).

    The same format could then be used to import csv files back into the DX.JSON file.

    I'm not worried about the exact format or fields having to match any existing frequency databases as once a csv file is available it can easily be manipulated as required.

    Happy New Year everyone.


  • jksjks
    edited December 2021

    A password option to let non local users to set DX Labels

    We have this already. Attempting to edit the stored labels (as opposed to read-only EiBi labels) from a non-local connection prompts for the admin password. You're probably going to say this should be a non-admin password. I don't disagree, but I'm really reluctant to add a separate password just for editing labels. Perhaps it should also accept the time limit exemption password as that has become a de facto "privileged user" password. Since it also now gives accesses to the antenna switch extension (if so configured) etc.

    Here's what an entry in dx.json is beautified...

    There is an alias in ~/.bashrc called jd that does this, e.g. cdk; jd

    Is there a place in the kiwi src code that defines each line?

    Not really. I should probably add a FAQ for this. There is this thread from a while ago: And in particular this comment:

    Recently, the number of characters requiring URI encoding %xx was reduced to make the dx.json file (and others) more readable. The complete list is:

    • " %22 double quote
    • % %25 percent
    • & %26 ampersand
    • ' %27 single quote
    • + %2b plus
    • ; %3b semicolon
    • < %3c less than
    • '>' %3e greater than (had to encase in single quotes for Forum software)
    • \ %5c backslash
    • ` %60 backquote
    • (control chars, 'del' and Unicode chars not listed)

  • " Perhaps it should also accept the time limit exemption password as that has become a de facto "privileged user" password."

    That would work, I think. Something more than the casual user, but less than an admin.

  • Hi All,

    Happy New Year

    I'm reminded of some of my comments in a previous post on a similar subject, which may apply if sharing access or trying to further develop the existing DB and DX tags.

    And the suggestion referred to in Github.



  • what is Field 6?

  • Not used currently. Set to random number < 10000. You can just set to zero.

  • Thank you!

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