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Modifying Local Time in Header


I'm a new KiwiSDR owner and have it online. Where do I find the setting to change the local time that shows up in the header? After the time change this last weekend, it still shows daylight savings time instead of standard time. I already have the tick-box checked on the GPS tab to acquire date via GPS.

Thanks in advance,



  • jksjks
    edited November 2021

    There's no manual override currently. Your timezone is retrieved from an online service based on the Kiwi location which can come from a number of sources (e.g. manual configuration, GPS, ip address geolocation, etc). The DST info is also taken from that service.

  • Thanks for the info! I am very impressed with the Kiwi and can now monitor what my station "hears" remotely. The software controls are quite elegant IMHO.

  • I had this with my Kiwi after the clock change - I established that the time and DST info was being retrieved correctly from looking at the log, but for some reason didn't update the unit's local time display on the web gui which was still an hour ahead. A reboot restored the correct time.

  • On my Kiwi, I have the admin/config daily restart set to "no". After reading the last post I looked closer at the time displayed on the main page and saw that it was still set to CDT, and an hour off. I did a KiwiSDR Server Restart which changed the timezone to CST and corrected the local time. I don't know if this is a bug or feature, it's just the way it works.

    Mike N8OOU 73

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