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DRM monitoring and hyperlinks

Victor of 4S7VK had added hyperlinks in the DRM schedule that appears when a kiwi SDR is in DRM mode. This is shown in the screen shot attached. This hyperlink takes to the station's detailed scheduled page. Victor has added hyperlinks for ALl India Radio, Radio Romani and Radio Newzealand

How is this done?


  • That Kiwi is running a very old software release (v1.387 vs the current v1.460) and uses the old DRM database from, which only has links for a limited number of the stations.

    Current releases have a "database" selection menu at the lower left of the DRM control panel. The default is not the database, which is no longer kept up-to-date, but from All of the stations in the database have information links, but using the "circle i" symbol on the far left of each line.

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