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Waterfall issue [Android app issue fixed in v1.460]

edited May 2021 in KiwiSDR Discussion

Hi ive been using kiwi sdr for while now but have noticed that some of the sdr's don't have a waterfall, if I go to the same sdr via google it displays the waterfall. Is this an app problem? Thanks Dylan


  • jksjks
    edited June 2021

    If you're talking about the KiwiSDR Android app, then yes, there was a problem that was just fixed. Kiwis that run the latest release (v1.460) or later should work with the app again. About 70% of public Kiwis have updated. The rest should follow in the next day or so.

    The issue was that the app uses an embedded web viewer that did not fully implement web standards that the Kiwi code depends on.

  • Please find a general discussion about KiwiSDR Android app here:

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