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Usage Monitoring?

Apologies if this one has been asked before (I did a bit of searching, perhaps not enough).

We've recently set one of our KiwiSDRs up at our amateur radio clubs remote site to be publicly accessible ( I'd be very interested in monitoring how much usage the KiwiSDR gets, in particular how often all channels are used, to determine if it's worth putting a second KiwiSDR up at the site.

Are there any tools able to do this already? (I've seen the Black-Cat software, but that doesn't really lend itself well to an automated system).

If not, is there some way the current activity can be observed, so it can be logged? (Ideally without having to login to the admin page...)

73, Mark VK5QI


  • edited January 2021

    Hello Mark, one of the simple ways, - use the status page your KiwiSDR and parsing "users" field.

    Use scheduler or cron and save this data to file for analysis.

    73! Yuri

  • Didn't even know the status page existed :-)

    This is the kind of information I was looking for, thanks!



  • For example, simple Linux bash command:

    curl -s  | grep users= | awk -F= '{ print $2 }'

    returns number of active users for this moment.

    73! Yuri

  • edited January 2021


    On local networks there is also the /users page. Probably not of use for this but worth knowing it is there.

    I'm not sure if there is a way to add a trusted remote IP address to the "Local Network" category for that access. Might be interesting to plot the channel use/reuse over time (for busy sites).

    I ssh home and tunnel the Kiwi address:port if I want to see that, but to be honest on mine there is not enough activity to make it interesting.


  • FYI xssfox ended up developing a Amazon Web Service CloudWatch solution for monitoring the KiwiSDR status point. A screenshot of the tool and the files to do it are on github here:

    This does require familiarity with AWS however, but provides a very nice looking monitoring dashboard!

    73, Mark VK5QI

  • edited February 2021

    This is how I do it, via ssh:

    zgrep kiwid: -h /var/log/message* | grep 'ARRIVED\|LEAVING' | grep -v 'WSPR-autorun\|192.168.73\|IBP_scan\|DRM'

    The resulting output should, more or less, look like this:

    Feb 14 08:12:15 raspSDR kiwid: 14:47:50.902 0.2345.. 0     1650.00 kHz am z0 "" Bamberg, Germany (ARRIVED)

    Feb 14 08:15:31 raspSDR kiwid: 14:51:06.816 ..2345.. 0    40670.02 kHz nbfm z11 "" Bamberg, Germany (LEAVING after 0:03:21)

    Feb 14 09:39:47 raspSDR kiwid: 16:15:22.834 0.2345.. 0    10000.00 kHz am z0 "" Stockheim, Germany (ARRIVED)

    Feb 14 09:40:11 raspSDR kiwid: 16:15:47.235 ..2345.. 0    10000.00 kHz am z0 "" Stockheim, Germany (LEAVING after 0:00:30)

    Feb 14 09:45:13 raspSDR kiwid: 16:20:48.827 0.2345.. 0    10000.00 kHz am z0 "" Moscow, Russia (ARRIVED)

    Feb 14 09:45:42 raspSDR kiwid: 16:21:17.668 ..2345.. 0    10000.00 kHz am z0 "" Moscow, Russia (LEAVING after 0:00:35)

    Feb 14 10:16:32 raspSDR kiwid: 16:52:07.705 0.2345.. 0    10000.00 kHz am z0 "" Russia (ARRIVED)

    Feb 14 10:16:59 raspSDR kiwid: 16:52:34.670 ..2345.. 0    10000.00 kHz am z0 "" Russia (LEAVING after 0:00:34)

    Feb 14 11:23:32 raspSDR kiwid: 17:59:08.252 0.2345.. 0    10000.00 kHz am z0 "" Zelenograd, Russia (ARRIVED)

    Feb 14 11:24:01 raspSDR kiwid: 17:59:37.264 ..2345.. 0    10000.00 kHz am z0 "" Zelenograd, Russia (LEAVING after 0:00:35)

    Feb 14 14:14:37 raspSDR kiwid: 20:50:12.729 0.2345.. 0     639.00 kHz am z11 "" Nurnberg, Germany (ARRIVED)

    Feb 14 14:16:55 raspSDR kiwid: 20:52:31.306 ..2345.. 0     225.00 kHz amn z8 "" Nurnberg, Germany (LEAVING after 0:02:24)

    Feb 14 14:17:01 raspSDR kiwid: 20:52:36.760 0.2345.. 0     225.00 kHz amn z8 "" Nurnberg, Germany (ARRIVED)

    Feb 14 14:17:21 raspSDR kiwid: 20:52:57.414 ..2345.. 0     225.00 kHz amn z8 "" Nurnberg, Germany (LEAVING after 0:00:26)

    The results can be redirected into a text file and then sorted and filtered.

    I am running a RaspSDR (the Raspberry Pi clone) but I think it is safe to assume that the original version of KiwiSDR also logs to /var/log/messages

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