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Forgot root password

How do I logon vis SSH if I lost/Forgot My password?


  • Have you truly forgotten the Debian root password you set manually on the Beagle? (unusual that this would be done) Or are you forgetting the security enhancement we had a while back where blank/unset root passwords were automatically set?

    See here:
    If neither of those automatically-set passwords work then the easiest thing to do is reflash from sd card and start over. You will lose you entire configuration however. But you are backed up aren't you?
  • IF you've forgotten the ssh root password, make sure to back up the config from within the admin interface.

    If you're on the same local network as your Kiwi, and you can in fact get on the Kiwi admin interface, go to the Kiwi admin interface, click Console - and change the password from there..
  • Good point. Using "passwd root" in the admin console tab should work without any prior authentication.
  • admin console passwd root is my usual get out of jail free!
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