new wefax broadcasters
Good evening.....
lately I was able to monitor the broadcasts in the Asian area a bit, managing to intercept two new Wefax broadcasters for which I was unable to find any news on the internet (maybe I had no luck not being able to decode Cantonese), however: one of these broadcasters intercepted on 17/18 October this year continuously transmitted test charts and weather maps for the month of March or September, interspersed, on the following frequencies 4027 - 7759 - 12588 obviously with -1.9 khz shift.
If anyone has any news about it or can understand which Chinese coastal broadcaster it is, news about it is welcome.

While the second broadcaster that I have completely identified is XSQ which instead has regular emissions from the 1st of August current year attached broadcast schedule, even here if you have further news they are welcome.

In the hope that you find this information useful ....
lately I was able to monitor the broadcasts in the Asian area a bit, managing to intercept two new Wefax broadcasters for which I was unable to find any news on the internet (maybe I had no luck not being able to decode Cantonese), however: one of these broadcasters intercepted on 17/18 October this year continuously transmitted test charts and weather maps for the month of March or September, interspersed, on the following frequencies 4027 - 7759 - 12588 obviously with -1.9 khz shift.
If anyone has any news about it or can understand which Chinese coastal broadcaster it is, news about it is welcome.

While the second broadcaster that I have completely identified is XSQ which instead has regular emissions from the 1st of August current year attached broadcast schedule, even here if you have further news they are welcome.

In the hope that you find this information useful ....
[standard of the Chinese Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications]
[fax test example]
[date of receipt xxxxxxxx]
just to understand if any broadcasters have previously used this test page, which is new to me, without neglecting the meaning of all the other writings.
New reception 15-01-2021
Broadcaster: VANINO RADIO
[Khabarovsk Territory, Russia - geographical coordinates 49.0901, 140.2659]
confirmed transmissions time: 06.05 - 09.05 UTC other reception times awaiting identification
frequency: 6.455 khz.
issue: J3C 120/576.
notes: the emission is fairly weak and disturbed, which can only be received by KIWIs placed in the immediate vicinity.
Further information is welcome.
emission of 09.05 UTC
Some careful Googling produces a few old references:
thank you, I had already seen these links but they are all outdated info,
I was hoping there was something more updated around or that someone
had first-hand news, more than anything else on the times of issue.
I will try as much as possible to broaden the listening in search of other transmissions.
See for yourself whether to update the list.
Good morning.....
I would like to add a new (at least for me) wefax broadcaster that I started receiving for a few days, on the internet I have found almost nothing but discordant news, the broadcaster should broadcast from Sevastopol in Ukraine the methods are as follows:
* - single daily issue;
* - MEDITERRANEAN AND BLACK SEA WEATHER MAP (this is my translation but I could be wrong not knowing neither Russian and / or Ukrainian nor the Cyrillic characters and above all the header is half-erased by a white margin line - if someone native speaker can translating all the writings is welcome)
* - transmission time 12.30 UTC (not fixed, it deviates from a few minutes before to a few minutes later);
* - broadcast duration over 45 minutes;
* - frequency 7090.00 (at least it seems to me the best reception point in relation to the probrams I use for decoding);
* - 500 Hz shift;
* - transmitting in the amateur radio band and often subject to disturbances.
Looking forward to any good day news
I added this to v1.456. Please let me know if it needs adjustment.
.... I looked for the frequency in the fax file and I think I have identified it under Murmansk, while the broadcaster in question should be (Odessa in Ukraine or Sevastopol in Crimea), unfortunately the frequency / transmitter is not reported even on the Klingenfuss, I found two reports on sites of radio amateurs (year 2009) one Portuguese and the other Swiss, without further specifications other than the frequency and mode of transmission.
I add that during the whole transmission the frequency is not stable, it slips in small steps forward of about 500 Khz, in fact at the beginning the fax is dark and then clears up on the final if you do not follow the signal trend, which makes me think that it is an ancient transmission system, as well as the apparatus for fax transmission, several times it happens that the transmission ends without the fax being sent in full, as happened today.
This is what I am aware of, I am attaching some images:
- reception today;
- news about the issuer;
- signal emitted.
Okay, my mistake.
It turns out there was already a commented-out entry in the code for this frequency, listed under Sevastopol and with this reference:
I'll fix this for the next release.
For news, this time it is the end of the broadcasts from March 31, 2022 as announced by "JFW" IWATAKI FISHERY RADIO which broadcasts on the same frequencies as "JFX" Kagoshima.
Great catch. More info from our friend Dr. Gough over at TechZone:
... yes, but it is a real shame if not for everyone, it certainly is for fans of "wefax" reception.
Being one of them, I take this opportunity for an update regarding RBW 41 - Murmansk - Russia.
In recent months I have followed it quite compatible with my commitments and with the propagation of course, I take this opportunity to thank my fellow Kiwi owners from Finland / Sweden and Norway who give me the opportunity to make the receptions as the signal in my part does not he arrives.
However, regarding RBW 41 the current transmission frequencies are; 6332.20 and 8447.70 both in LSB for regular reception, the second frequency in the last month has no transmissions; reception at -1.9 Khz, speed 120; cooperation index 576 shift 1.000.
The broadcast times are in UTC 03:00 - 10:30 - 13:30 - 14:45 - 20:00, the broadcast time is also given as 18:30 where the broadcast schedule should be broadcast, but I failed never to receive it for lack of transmission.
Clarification, these times are certain but not for all days of the week the only days, which I ascertained, are at 13:30 and 20:00 while for 10:30 it broadcasts only on Thursdays, for 14: 45 certain days, Monday and Thursday.
Last note, as known, the quality of the faxes transmitted leaves something to be desired, presumably due to the apparatus they use for transmission or the tones used are different from the WMO standard, even if in the last period they are slightly more legible.
obviously those who have news to provide are always welcome.
Guangzhou Radio XSQ update from 24 March 2022 the broadcaster has updated the transmission frequencies, leaving unchanged the program and the 1.9 Khz shift to be applied to the frequencies below:
For updating the Kiwi fax extension
update also for JMH Tokyo Radio from 19 January 2022 the broadcaster has updated the broadcast at 10:19 UTC as an attached broadcast schedule.
Update for NMG - New Orleans new transmission frequency 16.027.9 Khz.
From 23 August 2022 the Guangzhou coastal radio station has reported a change in frequencies as shown in the attached photo.
Reporting of unscheduler frequencies with a signal directed towards Europe received by my KiwiSDR:
Pt. Reyes Station, California
New Orleans Station, Louisiana
Boston Station, Massachusetts
FWIW, this is the Google translate of the first image in the OP:
...for possible frequency updates:
UGC station - St. Petersburg Hydrometric Center
frequency 2640 kHz:
timetables :
10:30 Navtex;
13:00 Wefax.
The frequency is occupied by a morse signal which transmits the station's callsign in CW.
The transmission power is not quantifiable from the data in my possession however the signal is good within a radius of 300 km from the transmitter.
The station transmits the "ice map" fax during the winter season, as well as for the Vanino Radio station.
I'm not aware of any other broadcasts within 24 hours.
@fabrys From your July 2022 post, are those unscheduled frequencies for NMC/NMG/NMF (USA) passband center or dial frequencies?
Today I added UGC St. Petersburg 2640 (passband presumably) to the menus (no software update needed -- just reload extension).
Just found this evening in the UK, GYA Northwood on 2169.5kHz but not on the published frequency of 2618.,although it is present on the other published frequencies.
Transmitting Surface prognosis at 20:24 which is in agreement with the published schedule for that station.
Not sure if this a new / reserve / temporary frequency, or someone has misconfigured something somewhere.
Good morning....
as far as NMG is concerned, the frequency that I have reported is the exact reception one, including -1.9 kHz.
as far as UGC is concerned, the usual 1.9 Khz for reception must be removed from the signaled frequency 2640.00, therefore the frequency for decoding is 2638.10 usually [but not necessarily] occupied by a morse signal of the issuer's code; always on the same frequency 2640.00 at 10:30 UTC there is also a transmission in NAVTEX mode that uses characters and shifts (2 or 3) I can't be more precise, than normal transmissions in Russian, so for exact decoding a software must be used that [I don't remember what it is (if someone is kind enough to let me know, I thank you in advance)], to have the complete decoding of the message, not interspersed with numbers or other characters instead of words.
today's example:
OT 21:00 2 %324-)1 2023 &. $9 21:00 3 %3WRALQ
WETER: '3234NYJ, '32349-+-0-$,6J 6-11 ./'
26'95- WOLN: 2,3 )/$- 0,5-1,0 M
For updates and interested parties:
from 1 July 2023 the meteofax station ZKFL - New Zealand will definitively cease its broadcasts:
I've removed the ZKLF entry from the FAX database. So long old friend!