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wifi connection and local time



  • Good evening ,
    how to make permanent the parameters entered in resolv.conf which changes with each reboot of the kiwi
    73 'Rene F6BIR
  • Uninstall and purge the systemd-resolved package that is the one doing the overriding.
    Another example of a half-assed attempt by the systemd people to embrace and extinguish.

    (your mileage may vary, but that's what I did on mine at least. That package is incredibly broken for a number of reasons)
    Note that I have a well-proven intense dislike for systemd as a Linux admin, so there is a strong bias in my actions.

    The other answer is to see if it's possible to reconfigure systemd-resolved to populate the resolv.conf with the correct items autocrappily on boot. I gave up on that, and went to manual configuration that I knew to work,
  • Thank you for your suggestion, I think I will go back to the config from the beginning, all the setups I have tried have been found to be unstable, I will also try a dedicated router solution with a Raspberry for my two kiwis. Currently I am running with the two interfaces simultaneously for lack of a reliable solo wifi solution
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