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wspdaemon PI-Kiwi install

Out of curiosity I installed wsprdaemon on the Kiwi-Raspberry PI item.
Just to see how the cores handled it. (8 RX mode, 6 as wspr)

wspr reporting as M0AQY/2

Seems to be OK, not using noise charts or anything fancy.

One thing I have noticed is that the connection timeout does not seem to exempt the recorder loopback.
I've spent just a few minutes looking at this (over lunch) so will probably correct this post later if I'm wrong or work out the right way to pass the exemption password.


Ran most of the day but in the afternoon reset a few times with an error that on the PI forum is normally down to USB storage.
Could be bad SD card, must try a reinstall with a more recent card that is more of a known quantity.
Interesting exercise but WSPR results were a bit less than I was expecting so will put this on the back shelf to retry, at a later date.


  • Hi Stu,

    I notice that you are running an earlier version of WD which uses the WSJT-x 2.1.1 'wsprd' decoder.
    If you execute 'git pull' on your Pi, you will get WD V2.9g which will install the newly released WSJT-x 2.2.2 wsprd decoder which extracts 2-6% more spots from the same antenna+Kiwi system(s)

    Many top spotting sites like #1 OE9GHV, #2 LX1DQ, and top US spotter KD2OM use Kiwi(s) + Pi 4s or i86 systems.
    For more information goto

  • Hi Rob,
    It was running G I've just git pull'ed the other one.

    This was about seeing if the PI had the guts to not only be the receiving node but also the decoding, or at least how far one could go and if it would break the Pi based Kiwi.
    Normally my install is running on a very low spec virtual x86 machine scraping two Kiwi's (AI and Pi based) but it hit me I could try this for an all in one.

    I'll run it again today (cloned the sd card last thing before bed but didn't want to leave it running overnight in case it kept resetting with any users connected).
    I'm pretty sure the lacklustre results where because the thing is not cased, has just a basic lead and is connected to one of the two antennas I use for WSPR but is at the wrong orientation (N-S).
    Normally I do OK for England so this is my ropey physical build or worn out cards not failings in software.

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