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Log file quite a bit bigger

By about a third over what it typically is, due stuff like this:

Feb 18 06:55:03 kiwisdr kiwid: 2d:03:32:58.311 0123456. UPDATE: exiting because admin update check not enabled
Feb 18 06:55:04 kiwisdr kiwid: 2d:03:32:59.536 0123456. UPDATE: exiting because admin update check not enabled
Feb 18 06:55:05 kiwisdr kiwid: 2d:03:33:00.807 0123456. UPDATE: exiting because admin update check not enabled
Feb 18 06:55:07 kiwisdr kiwid: 2d:03:33:02.142 0123456. UPDATE: exiting because admin update check not enabled
Feb 18 06:55:09 kiwisdr kiwid: 2d:03:33:04.328 0123456. UPDATE: exiting because admin update check not enabled
Feb 18 06:55:11 kiwisdr kiwid: 2d:03:33:06.022 0123456. UPDATE: exiting because admin update check not enabled
Feb 18 06:55:13 kiwisdr kiwid: 2d:03:33:07.921 0123456. UPDATE: exiting because admin update check not enabled
Feb 18 06:55:14 kiwisdr kiwid: 2d:03:33:09.231 0123456. UPDATE: exiting because admin update check not enabled
Feb 18 06:55:14 kiwisdr kiwid: 2d:03:33:09.575 0123456. UPDATE: exiting because admin update check not enabled
Feb 18 06:55:15 kiwisdr kiwid: 2d:03:33:10.514 0123456. UPDATE: exiting because admin update check not enabled
Feb 18 06:55:16 kiwisdr kiwid: 2d:03:33:11.739 0123456. UPDATE: exiting because admin update check not enabled
Feb 18 06:55:18 kiwisdr kiwid: 2d:03:33:12.978 0123456. UPDATE: exiting because admin update check not enabled
Feb 18 06:55:19 kiwisdr kiwid: 2d:03:33:14.562 0123456. UPDATE: exiting because admin update check not enabled
Feb 18 06:55:21 kiwisdr kiwid: 2d:03:33:16.266 0123456. UPDATE: exiting because admin update check not enabled
Feb 18 06:55:23 kiwisdr kiwid: 2d:03:33:17.933 0123456. UPDATE: exiting because admin update check not enabled
Feb 18 06:55:24 kiwisdr kiwid: 2d:03:33:19.255 0123456. UPDATE: exiting because admin update check not enabled
Feb 18 06:55:24 kiwisdr kiwid: 2d:03:33:19.842 0123456. UPDATE: exiting because admin update check not enabled
Feb 18 06:55:25 kiwisdr kiwid: 2d:03:33:20.625 0123456. UPDATE: exiting because admin update check not enabled

Which looks like sometimes goes on for quite a while a number of times.

Also a fair amount of this:

Feb 19 14:06:41 kiwisdr kiwid: 3d:10:44:36.142 0123456. UPDATE: exiting because admin update check not enabled
Feb 19 14:06:41 kiwisdr kiwid: 3d:10:44:36.362 0123456. 6 "(no identity)" incomplete connection kicked
Feb 19 14:06:41 kiwisdr kiwid: 3d:10:44:36.383 012345.. UPDATE: exiting because admin update check not enabled
Feb 19 14:07:11 kiwisdr kiwid: 3d:10:45:06.357 01234567 6 "(no identity)" incomplete connection kicked
Feb 19 14:07:11 kiwisdr kiwid: 3d:10:45:06.361 01234567 7 "(no identity)" incomplete connection kicked
Feb 19 14:07:11 kiwisdr kiwid: 3d:10:45:06.387 0123456. UPDATE: exiting because admin update check not enabled
Feb 19 14:07:11 kiwisdr kiwid: 3d:10:45:06.390 012345.. UPDATE: exiting because admin update check not enabled
Feb 19 14:07:41 kiwisdr kiwid: 3d:10:45:36.366 01234567 6 "(no identity)" incomplete connection kicked
Feb 19 14:07:41 kiwisdr kiwid: 3d:10:45:36.423 012345.7 UPDATE: exiting because admin update check not enabled
Feb 19 14:08:01 kiwisdr kiwid: 3d:10:45:56.357 01234567 7 "(no identity)" incomplete connection kicked
Feb 19 14:08:01 kiwisdr kiwid: 3d:10:45:56.384 0123456. UPDATE: exiting because admin update check not enabled
Feb 19 14:08:21 kiwisdr kiwid: 3d:10:46:16.364 01234567 6 "(no identity)" incomplete connection kicked
Feb 19 14:08:21 kiwisdr kiwid: 3d:10:46:16.386 012345.7 UPDATE: exiting because admin update check not enabled
Feb 19 14:08:31 kiwisdr kiwid: 3d:10:46:26.370 012345.7 7 "(no identity)" incomplete connection kicked
Feb 19 14:08:31 kiwisdr kiwid: 3d:10:46:26.451 012345.. UPDATE: exiting because admin update check not enabled
Feb 19 14:08:51 kiwisdr kiwid: 3d:10:46:46.360 01234567 6 "(no identity)" incomplete connection kicked
Feb 19 14:08:51 kiwisdr kiwid: 3d:10:46:46.395 012345.7 UPDATE: exiting because admin update check not enabled
Feb 19 14:09:01 kiwisdr kiwid: 3d:10:46:56.359 012345.7 7 "(no identity)" incomplete connection kicked
Feb 19 14:09:01 kiwisdr kiwid: 3d:10:46:56.456 012345.. UPDATE: exiting because admin update check not enabled
Feb 19 14:09:31 kiwisdr kiwid: 3d:10:47:26.357 01234567 6 "(no identity)" incomplete connection kicked
Feb 19 14:09:31 kiwisdr kiwid: 3d:10:47:26.427 012345.7 UPDATE: exiting because admin update check not enabled
Feb 19 14:09:41 kiwisdr kiwid: 3d:10:47:36.357 012345.7 7 "(no identity)" incomplete connection kicked
Feb 19 14:09:41 kiwisdr kiwid: 3d:10:47:36.457 012345.. UPDATE: exiting because admin update check not enabled
Feb 19 14:10:11 kiwisdr kiwid: 3d:10:48:06.367 01234567 6 "(no identity)" incomplete connection kicked
Feb 19 14:10:11 kiwisdr kiwid: 3d:10:48:06.371 01234567 7 "(no identity)" incomplete connection kicked

All this started with v1.380 it seems, but that might just be a coincidence.

Not sure if it's always done this, but running ml causes local users to enjoy a bit of a hiccup in what they were listening to.

73, VR2BG.


  • The "update exiting..." message shouldn't be getting logged. I'll fix that in the next release. It was inadvertently changed in a recent rewrite of the code.

    You should consider adding to your ip blacklist. IP geolocation puts it in (supposedly) Hangzhou.

    Yes, running any linux command that takes cpu cycles away from the Kiwi server (or does filesystem I/O) can cause audio hiccups because it disrupts the realtime requirements of the Kiwi server (i.e. it doesn't run often enough for long enough).
  • The "update exiting" I think has been going on for a while now.

    Didn't quite make it yesterday, but expect today's log dump to be triple the usual size.

    Since all this started, I have now had on three occasions local users denied as all receivers reported to be in use. Each time, the local user was already a local user & simply retuned by selecting another bookmark. And as admin, the local user could see that not all eight receivers were in use when they were said to be. One time, kicking the only non-local user so another receiver was not in use still resulted in the local user being told all receivers were in use.

    ?????? - is the blacklist sufficiently dimensioned to block all of Bravoland? I've got enough Bravoland mucking up my life as it is!

    73, VR2BG.
  • Your public Kiwi seems to still be running v1.380. I fixed the log issue in v1.382 (current release) on Feb 20/21.

    The blacklist is just a front-end for iptables which should accept a very large number of entries and no restrictions on subnet specifications.
  • Updates are done with some hesitation here since the FF audio issue as if something like that happens again, there's no way to go back. Went to v1.382 yesterday.

    Good to know if I eventually need to block all of the People's Paradise, it might fit. Have already got a good start on it, /24 at a time. |^)

    Am still enjoying existing local users being told my Kiwi is full on a retune from time to time, the most recent this morning when I got home from work & my Kiwi had three receivers free. I don't recall this happening before & it's happening a lot, so there must be a reason...

    73, VR2BG.
  • FF instance in lower right hand corner previously had RX0, but on selecting another bookmark got fobbed off as my Kiwi apparently only has 5 receivers now.

    Now 30 minutes later, it still insists it's chock-a-block.

  • Oops, make that blacklisting the People's Paradise at /16 each go...

    After about an hour, my Kiwi apparently decided it had more than five receivers again & let the local user back on without having done anything other than wait. This was the third time this happened; it hasn't happened again since.

    Log file now >20 MB (10x usual size). All the IPs I've blocked are constantly at it. I have been having problems using remote access on my phone to control my local user computers - sometimes the ones on WiFi were very slow to respond... then later they were fine & the machines on Ethernet seemed to be constipated. At first I suspected my WiFi/router was trying to tell me it is about to die due to old age, but with what must be a dozen log lines/minute at times, I now wonder if it's simply choking on all the dodgy Bravo activity.

    73, VR2BG.
  • One thing that confuses me about your screen shot, have you edited the remote addresses?
    To me 192.168.3.x are all local addresses so not sure of your setup?
    I only ask as I'm trying to work out how the Kiwi will filter if the remote stations all look local.

    73, Stu
  • Looks as though all the 192.168.x.x addresses are the local network listeners; but that the Kiwi is reporting all in use though 3 are definitely being shown in the admin interface as being free.

    Very interesting that the geolocation for VR2BG's LAN addresses is (correctly) showing HK region.
  • Yes, 192.168.3.* are local users & yes, despite there being several free receivers, the local user has been fobbed off because apparently all the receivers were in use. This has happened several times ever since all the dodgy Bravo activity started.

    I believe the Kiwi knows I'm in Hong Wrong based on the external IP of the GPON service from our dominate telco... which is why I'm apparently all over Hong Wrong.

    73, VR2BG.
  • edited March 2020
    OK that makes sense, same location randomisation happens here but I was thrown by the location (doh).
    I did try installing/running "iptraf" on a Kiwi here to see what connections are passing data, might be interesting on one that is getting locked up but it will negatively impact CPU so don't leave it running for long*
    73, M0AQY

    *If you are daft enough to install something I have mentioned at all.
  • Another possible option is a software router? Pfsense etc?
    It might even be possible to get alternative firmware (E.G. DD-Wrt/Tomato) for some hardware you already have.

    Your other comments reminded me to give thanks for my fairly unrestricted living conditions.
    Good luck.

    73, Stu
  • Pi-hole might do it
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