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could someone write me step by step how to install KiwiSDR-antenna-switch-extension ?? unfortunately I'm not fluent in Linux and I don't know how to do it, I found a repo on github but I don't know how to do it....


  • It is described there

    cd /root
    git clone
    cd KiwiSDR-antenna-switch-extension
    bash ./ant-switch-extension-installer

    You need to open a terminal window (using putty for example), log in as user debian and password is your kiwi's serial, and execute the commands above line by line.

    What hardware do you want to use?

  • |I use putty, but login to root and I don't now password.... is the serial on my kiwi's?
    I try to install by Console on the webrowser...can you do that?
  • thank you for the hints, I managed to install it, the console installation via the webrowser did not work, I had to use putty and serial number as the password and it worked, everything works as it should, thank you again for help ... TNX !!!
  • There is a new version of the antenna switch extension available.

    Important installation notes:

    • Let your Kiwi update to v1.449 first.
    • Use my repo, not Kari's, until he merges my changes (e.g. via "gclone" command below).
    • Install can be accomplished from the Kiwi admin page "console tab".

    Get a Linux shell either using the admin page console tab or ssh/PuTTY directly into your Kiwi. Type:

    cd [changes to "/root" directory]

    mv KiwiSDR-antenna-switch-extension K.old [set old copy aside]

    gclone KiwiSDR-antenna-switch-extension [gets new version from]

    cd KiwiSDR-antenna-switch-extension

    bash ./ant-switch-extension-installer

    [pick your switch device from list or "beagle-gpio" if just experimenting]

    [if running from console tab: you'll see a message to that effect]

    [wait a few minutes while build messages scroll by]

    [if running from console tab: it will ask that you restart via the button on the admin control tab]

    New features and fixes:

    • Can limit access three ways: local connections only (owner/admin effectively), local connections plus users connecting with a password (for Kiwis with split user password access), everyone can access. For the split password case you must add "&p" to the URL as described here:
    • Support for KMTronic LAN Ethernet IP 8 channels WEB Relay device.
    • Other user connections are notified via a popup when the antenna is changed. The popup closes automatically after 3 seconds. This may need some refining. There has also been the suggestion that an autoscale be performed on an antenna switch if in auto aperture mode.
    • Message is displayed to user if antenna switch parameters have not yet been configured by admin.
    • Installation time is much faster as entire Kiwi software rebuild is no longer done.
  • Works here....

    My local club uses ant-switch to select their 2m converter. I will see what they think of this method of stopping random users switching back to HF.

  • New version of the antenna switch extension available at

    The only thing new is support for the KMTronic LAN Ethernet IP 8 channels UDP Relay device (as opposed to the WEB Relay device which we already support). Added by request of someone who purchased the UDP version instead of the WEB version.

  • Many thanks John for helping me out and updating the KMTronic backend for the UDP version. I really appreciated your fast response. The new code was written and tested over night (in the UK) and ready for me in the morning.

    This would not have been possible without SSH access to my Kiwis which enabled you to develop and test the code for hardware you didn't have. I hope this new backend will be useful for other Kiwi owners. The KMTronic option is easier and cheaper than some other options for antenna switching. One of the benefits of a UDP/LAN switch is that the 8 ports can be shared by more than one Kiwi on the same LAN.

    I completely agree with someone else on the Forum when they said: "Your support of your product is the absolute best in the SDR world. I continue to have the utmost confidence in your integrity and your product."

    73 Terry

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