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New Antenna on

I just installed my modified OE-254 SINCGARS antenna. Mods include:
  • removed low band VHF network
  • added HB 16:1 balanced isolation transformer
  • 3 dB balanced pad
  • 35 MHz HB LPF
  • added N4CY Norton preamp
Now, I have to track down the 10 MHz noise in the neighborhood!


  • Found and fixed 10 MHz issue, my wspr unique count is up 25% with new antenna. many signals 6-10 dB better SNR than with my Pixel Loop
  • Showing in the daily WSPR results now, excellent!

    I did have a look when you first posted but as it was a quiet part of the RF day and I could not recall the previous spectrum it was hard to comment.
    WSPR results are great for feedback on antennas and location, if not for WSPR my radios would probably be in a box marked "try again with new neighbours".
  • next week, I'll raise that up another 8ft. I also knocked some other spurious noise here. Yesterday, I was 13th worldwide for wspr reporters, up from about 50th!
  • I've raised it up and of course this RF swamp I live in haunted me right away. I saw further evidence that the Mini-Circuits ZFSC-2-6 splitter I wanted to use can't handle the swamp. Contrary to published specs and bench measurements, it definitely has an ill effect when faced with the 5+ MW TX not so far from me. In its place I know have a magic-T splitter which I built, pictured below.

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