The KiwiSDR 2 online store is open for orders! Please visit
Please visit (documentation) and (online store)

Does anyone know what's happened to: It's been offline for weeks, or more...


  • It used to go down now and then (mainly over the weekend) I think the user has other projects on and it probably has little positive payback.
    I know I managed to screw things up (for my listing anyway) by having more than one Kiwi up, so stopped visiting.
  • It is a pity, as I found it very useful. I wonder if it would be possible to clone the behaviour of the site, as I have access to servers that may be able to provide this type of service, from a university network.
  • The guy did respond when I emailed him about something, no harm in asking.
    Will look for email if needed.
  • It's great to be able to see those SNR and Noise graphs, certainly helpful when experimenting with antennas.
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