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Chrome Browser - mouse over DX label only displays text for very short period

Hi John,

This problem only just seem to have occurred, but I think it may be due to a change ion Chrome rather than a KiWi update.

If I mouse over a DX label to display the text it only appears for a very brief period <1second before disappearing, which means that it's not possible to read it.

Other browsers such as Firefox still work OK.

I tried using the developer console but the only event that is displayed when I mouse over the tag is


No error messages are displayed.

Anyone else seeing this ?


Martin - G8JNJ


  • Works fine for me with Chrome 77.0.3865.90 (64-bit) on my Mac. Claims to be the latest version. What about the tooltips when you mouse over the various zoom icons in the control panel?
  • There are known issues with latest W10/Chrome and html5. Try turningh HW accel off in Chrome adv settings
  • Interesting about known interaction between graphics acceleration and browser rendering. Might explain the waterfall jitter problem I reported recently (seen by others, but never by myself).

    For a long time there was a problem on iPad/iPhone where the top line of the waterfall would momentarily show a random length of a single-pixel high white line during update. I knew this wasn't my problem and it eventually went away after enough Apple updates.
  • edited September 2019
    Hi John,

    Yes, the same thing occurs when mousing over the tooltips.

    Turning off the Hardware Acceleration Chrome advanced settings doesn't fix it, although it may have slightly modified the behaviour but it's difficult to say definitively.


    Martin - G8JNJ
  • Windows 10?
  • edited September 2019
    I have a Soundcraft Ui24R mixer (for live music) that uses html5 very intensively and it was crippled by the current W10/Chrome upgrade combo. The latency made it impossible to use. There were also some buttons that went unresponsive entirely.

    Live demo can be run/tested here->
  • Windows 7 pro 64 bit
  • jksjks
    edited September 2019
    Okay. Well, there's basically nothing I can do. We'll just have to wait for someone else to complain (which has no doubt already occurred, probably hundreds of times) and things to get fixed eventually. I absolutely depend the browsers delivering a well-defined, stable HTML5 platform. That hasn't been a very good bet recently..
  • Hi John,

    Yes I think that's about it.

    I just mentioned it in case others notice the same problem.


    Martin - G8JNJ
  • Hi John,

    I fixed it :-)

    It's a problem with Win 7 Pro when the Windows classic desktop theme is used.

    Switching to W7 default solves the problem, but I've always hated the rounded Icons...........


    Martin - G8JNJ
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