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Simple (ha! I know there is no such thing) feature request [enable user connections option exists]

I disconnect antennas when there are storms in the area. It would be cool if there was a button or checkbox I could click on the Admin page that would display a message when users log into the KiwiSDR, telling them that antennas are presently disconnected. It could even appear in big bold red text over the waterfall, which will likely be black. :smile:


  • jksjks
    edited August 2019
    On the admin "control" tab is a switch "Enable user connections?". And a field below "Reason if disabled" allowing you to enter a message. If disabled the message will appear instead of the normal user interface when a new connection is made. And existing connections will be dropped when connections are disabled.
  • Doh! Obviously I need to do a better job of RTFM, or at least browsing the Admin page.
  • Don't feel too bad. TFM is woefully behind the times. And incomprehensible according to some (a not entirely unfair critique I'm afraid). A lot of this stuff you just have to stumble across.
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