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Two Public Kiwis on Port 8073? [fixed in v1.294]

edited June 2019 in Problems Now Fixed
This is a follow-up to a discussion re. getting to see my second Kiwi on the network. Thanks John for all assistance.
The question is about two Kiwis sharing port 8073, because that is what my two Kiwis are doing now. One is public, and while configuring it, John deliberatly placed it outside of the DHCP range because we had some problems with the 4G and modem/router. Internal IP is The other, to be public at a later date, is currently on, so inside DHCP range. I thought that two devices sharing one port might create a conflict, but apparently not??? At the time, I set the second Kiwi port no. to 8074, but was unable to find it, so I took a full reset (memory card) and kept port 8073 since.
I am thinking of setting the other Kiwi open for external connections, but not official ( yet. Will shared port matter when both Kiwis are open?



  • When you allow the port through the router it should be possible to make another public port like 8074 redirect to the second kiwi at
    On the Kiwi "Network" Tab you have the two entries, public and private, keep the private at 8073 but set the public to whatever you enter at the router "Port forward" for the public side.

    I think the proxy works differently but if you have a fixed Public IP or domain I don't see any advantage to using it.

  • jksjks
    edited June 2019
    An ip:port combination must uniquely identify a single network connection. So there is no conflict with having two port 8073 devices on your local network, the 10:8073 and 103:8073 devices. Each can be reached separately and simultaneously. The problem comes when trying to reach them from the Internet via your modem/router.

    On the Internet-side of the router there are only addresses of the form public-ip:port So a particular public port can only map to a single device on the local side e.g. pub:8073 => 10:8073 Assuming you have access to the NAT configuration of your router, which you may not for a 4G modem/router, you could also have, say, pub:8074 => 103:8073 Or if you have configured the "103" Kiwi to use port 8074 successfully (you had an issue doing this?) then pub:8074 => 103:8074

    In your particular case the issue is slightly different because you're using the Kiwi proxy due to not having configuration access to the router. The proxy is mapping => 10:8073 The proxy always has to use port 8073 with With v1.290 it is now possible to simultaneously map => 10:8074 (note "name2" and "8074"). On the public side the use of "name1" and "name2" will differentiate the two Kiwis.

    But on the local side you must use two different port numbers because of how the proxy works. It is not able to configure any NAT in your router that might otherwise allow using the same port number on the two Kiwis on the local side.
  • jksjks
    edited June 2019
    So we got this working with the two Kiwis on ports 8073 and 8074 respectively, behind the 4G router and the proxy enabled for both.

    Also, the Kiwi network scanner ( has been updated to version 1.5 and allows you to specify the port number instead of always using the 8073 default. Handy in the case of a Kiwi with port number other than 8073 with a local ip set by DHCP, and the ip has moved and you don't know what the new one is.
  • Thanks a million John.
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