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How to customize the top bar?


I'm trying to customize the top bar (where the kiwi logo sits and the antenna info is displayed) and I'm unable to find a way to do so. I'm familiar with openwebrx customization and linux console.

So, what is the folder / file I should play with? Do I need to do a make clean / make / make install afterwards? Will these UI changes get deleted on the next update, and if so, is there any way to prevent that (besides disabling the updates)?

Thanks all!


  • Ok, I think I figured out part of it.

    The folder to modify it is on ~/Beagle_SDR_GPS/web/openwebrx. You make your changes and then you do a make; make install. Restart the server with kd and then ku and that's it!
    Previously I was modifying the html files on ~/Beagle_SDR_GPS/web/kiwi, but this must be for some other thing as I saw no changes. Also tried in openwebrx, but forgetting the compilation and kd / ku.

    Now, is it there any way to prevent the modified files from being changed by the updates?
  • Many of the fields of the top bar are derived from parameters set on the admin page. Are you aware of those? If you are editing files in web/openwebrx directly your changes will be overwritten on the next update.
  • Yes, I am, but not all web details are configurable. For example the antenna description, the kiwi logo, etc. Anyway, if I done this properly I think I managed to find an adequate solution for the updates. I modified the files up and Makefile and disabled "git clean fd" (so new files are not deleted) and replaced "git checkout ." by "git checkout -p ." (so instead of overwritting the changes I made to the files it just shows me the differences and asks me what to do. Of course I had to disable automatic updates, but I can live with that...

    Don't get me wrong, I think that the level of customization you did is perfect for the average user, and the procedure for updating is perfect for having a reliable system even capable of recovering from filesystem corruption. But I'm not an average user. I do comm/electronics research, and that means messing up with things up to an insane level. :D
  • The antenna description is taken from the antenna description field on the tab of the admin page. That's a little non-obvious, but I didn't want to have two separate fields for essentially the same information.

    Yeah, if you want to go changing the logo etc. you're pretty much on your own. You already know more about git than I do, lol.
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