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The use of the -f (frequency) parameter in

Just found the script which I like very much. Good job! Runs under Python 3.7, too. My question: in the help, the -f parameter is described as follows: -f FREQUENCY, --freq=FREQUENCY. Frequency to tune to, in kHz (can be a comma-separated list). So, I wonder what the script is supposed to do if I enter a list of frequencies, e.g. "-f 1557,1566" (the comma-separated list)? It seems to record only the frequency of 1557 kHz from the list...

Thanks for any pointers! 73 Jari


  • A single kiwirecorder command can make connections to multiple Kiwis and record to multiple files simultaneously. This is how it is used for example during the TDoA process. So various parameters like -f and -g can have multiple values that will correspond to multiple Kiwis, e.g. -s kiwi1,kiwi2 -f 1234,5678
    connects to kiwi1 recording on 1234 kHz and kiwi2 on 5678 kHz. But -s kiwi1,kiwi2 -f 7890
    Will record 7890 kHz on both.

    There are example uses of kiwirecorder in the file kiwiclient/Makefile.
  • jpejpe
    edited March 2019
    This is great! So, in my case, I would do something like this to record multiple frequencies at the same time on the same kiwi: -s kiwi1,kiwi1 -f 1234,5678

    Somehow I expected this to do the same: -s kiwi1 -f 1234,5678 <grin>

    Thanks again, 73 Jari
  • Well, that's not the way it works. Feel free to submit a tested patch if you like.

    The routine "options_cross_product()" in distributes corresponding values of the parameters
    ['server_port', 'password', 'frequency', 'agc_gain', 'filename', 'station', 'user']
    amongst all values of the server parameter. But if you want those parameters to distribute to the same server you have to specify the server multiple times in the "-s" or "--server_host" parameter to match.
  • Yes, I noticed, and that's totally fine. :smile:
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