External GPS Clock frequency suggestion?
I've recently used both the original 2-output Bodnar GPSDO and now the Bodnar mini-GPSDO successfully with the KiwiSDR. Per a suggestion from John, I've set the external clock frequency to 66.660000 MHz. In order to get moderately but not completely square output waveform, I've turned the current up to 32 mA. The result is that everything works fairly much as expected with no surprises. My one issue is that I think there may be a small frequency error that from my experience with Bodnar GPSDOs operating at 'strange' frequencies, I don't believe to be due to the Bodnar. The symptom is a small frequency error. For example, viewing the 25 MHz signal from WWV, located about 20 km from me and not via the ionosphere, I see a few hundred milliHertz error. This shows up when WSPR spots are compared with a separately referenced and believed accurate Apache SDR with a very good quality Wenzel OCXO and GPS discipline. It also shows up when I use the IQ display to look at the carrier. Rather than sitting still as it really should for a 1 ppb-class reference, it rotates.
Perhaps I've misinterpreted John's suggestion but I'm wondering if there might be a better reference frequency to use.
Glenn n6gn
Fort Collins, CO.
Perhaps I've misinterpreted John's suggestion but I'm wondering if there might be a better reference frequency to use.
Glenn n6gn
Fort Collins, CO.
I haven't yet checked WSPR spots or similar but I'm almost certain they will be perfect again.
Glenn n6gn
This SDR is getting more and more useful all the time as a measurement tool.
Let me know if I can measure anything else for you.
Glenn n6gn
There will be some improvement for signals at HF. It would be interesting now to do some long term frequency measurements of the Kiwi's GPS-corrected XO versus an external frequency standard applied as the ADC clock.
Thanks very much Glenn for prompting me to take a second look at all this.
I remember that besides the MSK signals you have mentioned also DHO on 23.4 kHz is/was not locked to a frequency standard.