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Listener selection of non-waterfall rx channel [use URL "no_wf" parameter]

edited September 2018 in Problems Now Fixed
At KPH I have configured the LF/MF Kiwi for 8 channel mode so I can use 3 channels for 2200/630/160 WSPR spotting and leave 5 channels open for public listeners. However the first two public listeners grab the 2 waterfall channels even though they may not care if they get the waterfall.
So it would seem helpful if listeners had the option of choosing a specific rx channel or at least be able to choose a waterfall or non-waterfall channel.
Alternatively, perhaps waterfall channels could be individually password protected. Then I could configure the 3 HF Kiwis in 8 channel mode and offer one waterfall for public use and a second to active KPH supporters.


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