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  • QZSS Support [GPS, added in v1.170]

    Well, the alert flag is on, but QZS-3/PRN199 seems to be up and decoding subframes! And the az/el is right where it's supposed to be. Also seen in Shenzhen and Adelaide, Australia.

  • QZSS Support [GPS, added in v1.170]

    Well, the alert flag is on, but QZS-3/PRN199 seems to be up and decoding subframes! And the az/el is right where it's supposed to be. Also seen in Shenzhen and Adelaide, Australia.

  • Can't Find my KiwiSDR [after change to static ip address]

    v1.174 now displays the ip address, assigned by DHCP or set statically, in the LEDs: http://kiwisdr.com/quickstart/index.html#id-leds

  • GPS: Galileo reception possible on Kiwi? [working as of v1.178]

    The recent addition of the QZSS sats (Asia/Oceania reception only) increases the percentage of time enough sats are available for fixes (minimum 4 sats required). This is especially true for GPS antennas that don't have a full view of the sky (i.e. shadowed by terrain or buildings). It certainly made a big difference at my NZ location. Since the Galileo E1 signal transmits on a frequency compatible with the Kiwi the question has been asked if it can also be received. It has worldwide reception and so would be very helpful.

    I think the majority of Kiwi owners struggle just to get the supplied antenna near a window, let alone outside and up high. Anything we can do to increase the percentage of Kiwis with functioning GPS would be very useful (e.g. more candidate Kiwis to participate in direction finding experiments). Plus they benefit from automatic, accurate frequency calibration of the SDR.

    I don't know much about HF-DF / triangulation, but fortunately we have a Kiwi user that does. He's already got it working! See: http://hcab14.blogspot.com

  • QZSS Support [GPS, added in v1.170]

    I have recently moved to a new location where I have a limited view of the sky. Either blocked by other apartment buildings or a nearby (hopefully inactive) volcanic cone. The addition of the QZ sats really improves the amount of time I have enough sats in view (4) to compute location fixes.
