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  • Last Spectrum persists when all signals removed [fixed in v1.279]

    v1.279 has improved spectrum filter options. In addition to the default IIR filter you can now select an MMA (modified moving average) and EMA (exponential moving average) filter or no filtering at all. There is also a new slider for the parameter associated with each filtering algorithm:
    IIR: param = gain coefficient 0..1 (slower..faster)
    MMA: param = averaging size in samples (1..64)
    EMA: param = decay period (averaging size) in samples (1..64)
    The URL parameter options sp= and spp= allow the filter and filter parameter to be preset in the URL. See

    I implemented a minimum decay rate for the IIR filter. For various reasons the filtering is implemented after the waterfall colormap scaling. And with a more restricted colormap range (i.e. WF min slider less negative so no-signal waterfall area is black) the IIR filter would not decay for small signals as was observed.

    There is also a new "GND" momentary button (i.e. click/touch and hold). This zeros (grounds) the waterfall/spectrum input data so you can see how the various spectrum filters decay under no-signal conditions.
  • How to decode FSK signals using FSK Extension/Decoder - Not found on Forum search

    v1.275 renamed the FSK extension Utility menu to "Ham / Utility" and now includes the 80m - 10m RTTY calling frequencies with 170/45.45/5N1.5/ITA2/no-invert presets.
  • OpenWebRX [using a transverter/down-converter with the Kiwi]

    It seems I already made (and forgot about) a fix for the "band scale" and "select band" menu not being correct when the Kiwi is configured for transverter/downconverter mode. It's a little complex to configure. You must know how to login to the Beagle via ssh/PuTTY and use a few Linux commands including editing a text file with the "nano" program (or a similar editor package). This fix will work even if you're not running the very latest software version. It's been present for a long time.

    You'll be editing a Javascript file. You don't necessarily need to know Javascript because you can follow the pattern of code that is already there (i.e. "read between the lines"). Because this file is in the kiwi.config directory changes will survive a software update. The "mi" (make install) used below only creates the file with the latest version if the file doesn't already exists. It does this to preserve any changes you may have made. That's why below we have to remove it (by renaming) before doing an "mi".

    Login to the Beagle and type:
    mv config.js config.js.orig        saves old file
    mst       stop server
    mi        reinstall, which updates to new version of config.js
    nano config.js        assuming you know how to use the nano text editor
    ku        server up, test your changes
    config.js defines, in a programatic way, what appears in the band scale and select band menu. You'll note a little ways down in the file a couple of variables called down_converter_2m and down_converter_6m both defined as false. There is corresponding code below those that selectively disables the numerous definitions for HF and instead uses a single "band.push(...)" via if/else statements.

    If you are using a 6m or 2m downconverter you can simply change the appropriate variable from false to true. However the "min:" and "max:" values in the band.push() may have to be adjusted to account for where the band segment actually appears in the Kiwi 0 - 30(32) MHz reception range. By default 28 and 32 MHz are specified because the downconverter LO is 116 MHz, so 144-148 MHz - 116 MHz = 28-32 MHz (Kiwi assumed set in 32 MHz mode). And of course the 116 MHz LO value needs to be specified in the config tab on the admin page ("frequency scale offset")

    If you're down converting, say, air band you can add another variable e.g. down_converter_airband and the associated code or just overwrite one of existing entries. There can be multiple band scale/menu definitions if you decide it's appropriate, just like for HF. A band.push() entry can be used to define a band scale, band select menu entry or both. Read the comments in the file for details and do some experimenting. Yes, this could be done in the admin interface. But that would take a fair amount of time. Time I don't have.
  • How to decode FSK signals using FSK Extension/Decoder - Not found on Forum search

    v1.275 renamed the FSK extension Utility menu to "Ham / Utility" and now includes the 80m - 10m RTTY calling frequencies with 170/45.45/5N1.5/ITA2/no-invert presets.
  • Get a URL to the KiwiSDR with the current frequency, mode, and zoom?

    Actually, right-click on that little green/lime icon to bring up the browser's utility menu and then click "copy link location" (name varies by browser). The icon itself is a URL link so if you just regular (left) click on it another tab/window will open with the same current settings.

    Wow, but a quick Google shows that there is some Javascript that can be used to make a regular click copy the link to the clipboard. Some websites do this and I always wondered how they worked (Github in particular). Should I change this? The current behavior of having another window open (essentially a "duplicate/clone") seems pretty useless.