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OK Tks again JKS the file "dx_config.json" was corrupted : just deleting "%c" somewhere in the file and reboot. SOLVED
Hi JKS I pickup this message : { "dx_type": [ { "key": 0, "name": "Service fixe", "color": " #df3e1a" }, { "key": 1, "name": "Service mobile terrestre", &quo…
OK I will try Tks Serge
Thank you JKS One step further for this splendid product !!! Thanks for your work I gonna wait. 73's Serge ON5MZ
Hi everyone I'm using the :8073/admin html page "DX" section "Band bars" My goal was to remove all the bars to put in it a new band attribution (ITU attributions) But now that this section is empty it seemse impossible to introd…