Messaging users via "Your name or callsign box"

edited February 2017 in KiwiSDR Discussion

I just had an interesting experience.

I noticed that another station was listening to an am station on 6290KHz which I clicked on and which turned out to be a Dutch music pirate.

Whilst listening I got a name check on air. It turned out that the pirate was using my SDR to monitor his signals and had spotted me as another listener on the SDR.

I changed my details in the Your name or callsign box to ask them to ID on air and they did ! I also asked them what TX power they were using and they replied on air 4w.

Whilst doing this another user changed their details to say how much they enjoyed using the SDR .

So maybe the Your name or callsign box could be retitled to something like id & short message to other users  ?


Martin - G8JNJ


  • Martin

    How did you manage with only 16 characters available?



  • Hi Henrik,

    You can convey a lot in 16 characters with a concise choice of words, more if you abbreviate.

    I just used a short phrase and waited for a reply, then sent another short phrase asking a question.


    Admin - Martin

    Who is on 6290 ?

    TX Where ?

    TX Power ?

    Can you ID ?

    TNX for shout



  • jksjks
    edited August 2024

    Remember that on the admin config tab you can adjust the ident field (name/callsign) length from the default 16 characters all the way up to 64.

  • edited August 2024

    I've chatted with the owner of another Kiwi through his Kiwi before using the name callsign box.

    I know there are a few guys who have configured chat boxes on their Kiwis. I believe most of them use this: Pretty straightforward to add to the Kiwi in the "Additional HTML/Javascript for HTML" text box under the Webpage tab.

  • A chatbox as an extra service to users seems a nice idea, but beware..

    Having tried a chatbox for a short while on my Kiwi about a year ago, I decided to close it down soon after. Without active moderation things can go rogue quickly and since as Kiwi admin you assist in diseminating whatever appears in those chats it turned out to be a unproductive headache.

    best rgds, Ben

  • Unfortunately I've had the same sort of experience's

    Best to link to some external chat service, or not bother.

    I have turned off the name / callsign login for similar reasons.

    It seems to be like a form of graffiti, and once "tagged" more appears.



  • Messaging via DX label works too apparently 😁

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