The KiwiSDR 2 online store is open for orders! Please visit

KiwiSDR 2: your expression of interest needed



  • I would like also to order one when available.

    Thanks in advance !

  • Reconfirming my interest from August 17, 2023

    I'm in for 1 !!

    (2 if initial inventory will allow)


  • edited November 2023

    I'm interested in 3 pcs. of KIWI 2.

    Thanks !


  • I am interested in 2 pieces of KIWI 2. Thanks!

  • I'd definitely get one to replace a broken Kiwisdr that my friend Dave had in New York, and maybe a 2nd to upgrade mine. Thanks for all the great work on the software. Love the spec noise filter. I would hope this one would have a regular case rather than the tricky setup with the screws. On the original model, we sometimes found that the AC connection would come loose when the screws were on, and have been running without them on the Philadelphia KiwiSDR.

  • Yes Absolutely! Thank you for bringing this back.

  • On behalf of my island radio team of Nick, Walter, Mike and Jeroen, I'd say that we'd be interested in 2 to 4 units over time...

  • I'd order one when available for my remote setup off the NW coast of Canada.

  • I'm also interested in purchasing one once it becomes available.

    Thanks for your efforts, much appreciated.



  • Put me down for one! Thanks for all the effort!

    Vern, W1VB

  • I would be interested in buying a KiwiSDR 2, already have the original. Thanks for developing this updated version!


  • I'm interested in KiwiSDR. Thanks!



  • Hi, I am interested in buying the new KiwiSDR 2

  • Please reserve a Kiwisdr2 for me, 73 Joe, DM4DL

  • I am also interested in buying 1pc KiwiSDR2.

    Jan, CZ

  • I'm interested in one. Thinking of placing it at my 2nd QTH, where I only have 600kbps of upload speed, so a KiwiSDR that is easy to use remote AND doesn't require insane bandwidth is ideal.

    Would love to be able to share with others and wspr monitor from there, too


  • I guess me too... I'd like to send one up with a friend in a different city.

  • I will commit to two complete systems when available. I can immediately make live at least one system when received.


  • Keen for at least 2 asap....

  • I'm certainly interested in one of these. Awesome receivers, I log into a few of them around the world to see what can be heard.

  • I am interested in one

  • Happy to see this 🥝 follow interested!

    73, PD3LK, Leon

  • edited November 2023

    Moi moi .. oui j'en veux un 😉

    me me .. yes i take one

  • You can count me in for one. Thank you for doing this! 73, Doug WW6D

  • Count me in for one

  • I am currently interested in one at this time. I do have a BBB extra laying around

    Alan K2AES

  • Interrested in 2 pieces of the KiwiSDR2

  • I've been running two model 1s for years now. I'd like to upgrade and pass these along to a friend.

  • I would be interested in at least two, one of which I hope to set up in India, which has very few online right now.

  • I’m also very interested.

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