The KiwiSDR 2 online store is open for orders! Please visit

KiwiSDR 2: your expression of interest needed

edited December 2023 in KiwiSDR Discussion

I need to make sure we're not building too few units for the first KiwiSDR 2 batch.

If you have expressed purchase interest on Twitter, upon forum signup or on the KiwiSDR 2 forum threads then I have already counted you.

But if you have not mentioned your interest then please reply to this thread or email

You will be helping us tremendously.

Thank you!



  • I am certainly interested, thanks

  • Presently I have two KiwiSDR(s) and I would purchase 2 of the KiwiSDR2 when they are available.

    Zeak K6RRP

  • I am very interested! I am looking for one ever since.

  • Hello John,

    Thank you very much for your announcement. I am interested in purchasing 1 unit “KiwiSDR 2”. If available, 2 units. I just wrote you an email.

    Best regards, Philippe

  • Interested and ready to grab one!

    Joe, WC4R, Williamsburg, VA

  • I'm interested, count me in!

    -Zyg- AF4MP

  • Hi John

    I'm interested also and I believe some French hams are too :-)



  • I'm interested. Thank you for all your work.



  • I'm all in. TU!

    John WA3ETD

  • Just in case I'm not already "in the system" I, too, would like to indicate my interest in purchasing one KiwiSDR.

  • I will definitely be interested in at least 2.

  • I left a request for 1 x KiwiSDR2 on Twitter but just in case............yes please, just one today thanks John.

  • jksjks
    edited October 2023

    Got the latest three of you. I've had to start a spreadsheet to keep track so I don't double count the requests, lol.

  • edited October 2023

    I'm interessed to buy one KiwiSDR2.

  • One or two units...


  • Count me in for one too. Delighted that the KiwiSDR project is still this active, not to mention all of the software updates for version 1.

  • I'm interested in one, and I know of at least one other person who is also interested (who I'm fairly sure hasn't posted on here or Twitter).

  • I'm interested.

  • I am interested in purchasing at least one. Please add me to the list. Thank you.

  • I am also interested in purchasing at least one, and maybe a second one.

    Thank you!

    I am already looking forward to it! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

    And thank you very much for all your work regarding the Kiwi SDR / Kiwi SDR 2 project! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ๐Ÿ™‚



  • Definitely interested in one KiwiSDR2 unit. Really appreciate your efforts to keep the KiwiSDR project alive and continuing.

  • edited October 2023

    ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ I will buy one Kiwi-2, if it is available in Europe.

    73 Costas

  • I want at least 2, possibly 3.

  • Hello John, I own a first-generation KiwiSDR and I plan to acquire a KiwiSDR2 as soon as it is available for sale.

  • I probably expressed interest on sign up but just in case yes please, I'd like one.

  • edited October 2023

    Very interested in at least one (maybe two) KiwiSDR2 to add to the K1VL site. So count me in!

    Carmine K1VL

  • I'm in for at least two

  • 2 units please.

    Thanks for all the effort put into this and the original Kiwi ๐Ÿ˜Š


    Lee G0DBH

  • 2 units.

  • At least 1 for me as well. Probably 2 though.๐Ÿ˜‚

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