My ALE Frequency List
Here is a ALE list for you to use ......
// Data in JSON format.
// Double-slash comments MUST start in column one!
// Underscores in net/station names are converted to line breaks in menu entries
// A zero as the first element of the frequency array converts to a "scan" menu entry
// "lsb" as the second element of the frequency array selects LSB mode for all entries
"Mexican 'Green Angels'":[0,7563,7640,7790,7802,7815,7828,7920,9043,8115,8175,10364,10369,10803],
"Mexican Military":[0,6965,8888,9120,11100,11200,11900],
"Mexican 'Three-Character Net'":[0,7443,7465,7852,8335,9786,10424,11467,15969,17045,18475,20623,23390],
"Pemex 'Mexican National Oil Company'":[0,5775,7450,8218,8291.1,9265,10095],
"9207 Net 'Unknown agency'":[9034],
"Alphabetical Net 'Unknown agency'":[0,5886.5,5906.5,7395,8115,9296.5,10622.5,10687.5,11014.5],
"DAxx Net 'Unknown agency'":[0,3296,5180,5260,5770,7841,9252,11001,11008,11009,11029,11096,20155],
"ERCC Net 'Unknown agency'":[0,"lsb",2194,3155,4438,5005,6765,7300,10810.5],
"MBxx Net 'Unknown agency'":[0,2545,5822,6399,6833,7509],
"RT3 Net 'Unknown agency'":[0,6318.5,8298.5]
Have FUN....
Hello, Thank you very much. :)