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Trying to update from v1.548 [fixed]
When I select UPDATE check now, I get the error Error determining the latest version -- check log.
Copy the end of LOG: [00] ADMIN connection closed
Wed Sep 7 22:30:20 00:36:06.142 ........ [00] PWD isLocal_if_ip: flg=0x18 fam=2 socktype=1 proto=6 addrlen=16 Wed Sep 7 22:30:20 00:36:06.142 ........ [00] L PWD isLocal_if_ip: TRUE IPv4/4_6 remote_ip ip_client ip_server[IPv4] nm /24 0xffffff00 Wed Sep 7 22:30:20 00:36:06.145 ........ [00] TLIMIT exempt local connection from Wed Sep 7 22:30:20 00:36:06.145 ........ [00] L PWD admin config pwd set FALSE, auto-login TRUE Wed Sep 7 22:30:20 00:36:06.146 ........ [00] L PWD admin ALLOWED: no config pwd set, but is_local Wed Sep 7 22:30:20 00:36:06.146 ........ [00] L PWD admin admin ALLOWED: from Wed Sep 7 22:30:31 00:36:17.328 ........ L UPDATE: force update check by admin Wed Sep 7 22:30:31 00:36:17.332 ........ L UPDATE: checking for updates Wed Sep 7 22:30:33 00:36:18.886 ........ UPDATE: fetch origin status=0x00008000 Wed Sep 7 22:30:33 00:36:19.600 ........ L UPDATE: Makefile fetch error, no Internet access? status=0x00008000 WIFEXITED=1 WEXITSTATUS=128 Wed Sep 7 22:30:33 00:36:19.604 ........ task update_task:P3:T002((1000.000 msec) TaskSleep) exited by returning
Looking at the update history on the forum I read we go from version 545 direct to ver 552, nothing about version 548 that I am using now.
What can I do to clear my problem?
Versions without anything of interest to users don't get a forum post.
Use the console tab (or ssh/PuTTY to the Kiwi directly) and look at the file
Post here or email to support@kiwisdr.comA less painful alternative, if your Kiwi is accessible on the Internet (public or not), is to set a temporary admin password and email it to and I can take a look.
Recent versions have more comprehensive error log messages when a build fails (they identify some specific failure cases e.g. disk full, git clone corrupted etc). And there are some pre-programmed buttons on the console tab to help diagnose and repair build issues.
Of course you have to get updated to the more recent versions first -- Catch-22!
Okay, so your Git clone of the Kiwi sources is trashed (for whatever reason, power failure at inopportune time etc). Please try this from the admin page, console tab:
mv Beagle_SDR_GPS B.bad
gclone Beagle_SDR_GPS
Build will take 20 - 30 minutes.
Then click the restart button on the control tab. Should be at the latest version now and able to receive future automatic updates if you have them enabled on the update tab.
Yes. All is good now.
Small correction to your instructions. "...admin page, control tab." should read the Console tab.
Thank you for the help.
I wanted to repair my receiver but I get this:
Debian GNU/Linux 8 Debian Image 2016-05-13
default username:password is [debian:temppwd]
Last login: Thu Nov 3 18:40:27 2022 from
root@kiwisdr:~# cd
root@kiwisdr:~# mv Beagle_SDR_GPS B.bad
mv: cannot move 'Beagle_SDR_GPS' to 'B.bad': Read-only file system
Hi @ArturPL !
Usually Linux file system mount like read-only if it has errors. You can try to check and fix it with fsck utilite or full re-install this BBG from microSD card.
73! Yuri
I already tried to restore from SD but it loops and again cannot start from the local address via http (ssh works), probably the backup was already overwritten with an error in 1.566
I can try from a working 1.567 kiwi card or from the original one that has never been used, which is better to choose?
You can try IMG from
Ok, I'll write what came out of this later
Managed to. I created an SD card from flash and the Kiwi came alive.
I also found the culprit - the power supply
I am surprised, however, that the other two of my Kiwis started from it without any problems. Currently, I used an emergency ZHAOXIN RXN-305D, I set him a current of 5A with a voltage of 5.3V. It works very steadily and, surprisingly, does not interfere with LF / MW like typical switch mode power supplies.
Thank you for your help!
Glad to hear you fixed it!