KiwiSDR + BeagleBone Black + Metal case
I'm very new to beaglebone and KiwiSDR. I had one BeagleBone Black without use (actually, I never used it) and I just brought an KiwiSDR board + metal case (all from seeed studio). Would I would like to confirm is: KiwiSDR is compatible with BeagleBone Black? If yes, this os the correct way to install it?
If 'yes', I'll need to make a little cut into side panel to fit my board, since power connector is a little big and where USB connector should be in beagle bone black (pictures).
I'm very new to beaglebone and KiwiSDR. I had one BeagleBone Black without use (actually, I never used it) and I just brought an KiwiSDR board + metal case (all from seeed studio). Would I would like to confirm is: KiwiSDR is compatible with BeagleBone Black? If yes, this os the correct way to install it?
If 'yes', I'll need to make a little cut into side panel to fit my board, since power connector is a little big and where USB connector should be in beagle bone black (pictures).
Yes, the end panels on the metal enclosure were not designed to be compatible with the BBB. But you don't want to use the BBB power connector anyway so it really isn't an issue (unless the clearance prevents the end panel from being screwed flush against the case). I'm not sure I even tried this combination.
Just one more question: any tip where I should connect the FAN, since there's no connector to ir on BBB?
I'm guessing GPIO......but I'm not sure and I don't know if is safe to connect there.
I think it's not direct related to Kiwiboard, but maybe software?
After power up, I got strange led sequence for a while (and no network, because I'm monitoring my DHCP)....and after a while, board get IP, LED's stop blinking and I can ping board....but just for a few seconds, then board turn totally off. I already tried with another power supply, same problem.
Any tips? I'm using the XDCard that came with KiwiSDR.
Sorry for that.