Aricebo - 5125KHz
Aricebo was operating again last night, putting a very strong carrier (but with weak 120Hz sidebands) into the UK on 5125KHz.
It was a LOTstronger into KP4CA in Anasco, Puerto Rico ?as you would expect :-)
No sweeps were observed this time, however it looks like there may be more opportunities over the next week or so.
It's a pity that there is so little up to date information about this on the web, but I have found an operational schedule.
Look up reference T1193 running up to and on the 15th of June and again commencing Sat 29th of June
Note that AST is equal to UTC -4
LST (Local Sidereal Time) could be anything :-)
Martin - G8JNJ
It was a LOTstronger into KP4CA in Anasco, Puerto Rico ?as you would expect :-)
No sweeps were observed this time, however it looks like there may be more opportunities over the next week or so.
It's a pity that there is so little up to date information about this on the web, but I have found an operational schedule.
Look up reference T1193 running up to and on the 15th of June and again commencing Sat 29th of June
Note that AST is equal to UTC -4
LST (Local Sidereal Time) could be anything :-)
Martin - G8JNJ
So the final session is now up and running until I estimate 18:00 UTC 14th June 2019
I can now hear the carrier being swept on the Anasco, Puerto Rico WEB SDR but not on mine yet.
They are using the dish.
Simulation and modeling results show that both arrays have
VSWRs less than 2:1 over a 100 kHz bandwidth no matter what the
state of the other passive arrays feed is (shorted, open, or terminated).
The gain at 5.1 MHz was 22.2 dBi. When fed with 600 kW of power,
this corresponds to an ERP of 99.6 MW. At 8.175 MHz, the gain was
25.5 dBi corresponding to an ERP of 212.9 MW. If the array is phased
to achieve circular polarization of either RHC or LHC, the crosspolarization from the opposite mode was above 27 dB for both
Here's the correct reference and summary of work.
General Category: Astronomy
Observation Category: Ionosphere
Total Time Requested: 24 Hours
Minimum Useful Time:
Proposal Title: Natural Analogs Via Ionospheric Experimental Research (NAVIER)
This proposal is in collaboration with the planned NRL Probing Regions via Ionospheric Modi?cation (PRIM)
experiment, the goal is to study the physics of plasma irregularities created by the Arecibo HF Heater and their
impact on HF communications waveforms. MITRE will be providing an advanced HF transmitter and receiver pair
as well as standard HF radios to study the impact of arti?cial ?eld-aligned irregularities (AFRIs) on the HF signal
propagation. The locations of transmit and receive sites will be the Dominican Republic and St. Thomas
respectively. This a?ords a near-to-perpendicular signal propagation path with respect to the geomagnetic ?eld
lines over Arecibo, as shown in Figure 1. The outcomes of this experiment will include investigation of the physics
of the disturbed ionosphere, as well as a large-scale data collection and analysis on the impacts of heater AFRIs on
HFnear vertical incidence skywave (NVIS) propagation.
Name Institution E-mail Phone Student
Edlyn V. Levine MITRECorporation evlevine@... 412-7265480 no
Remote Observing Request
X Observer will travel to AO
Remote Observing
In Absentia (instructions to oper-
Instrument Setup
430 Xmit
Atmospheric Observation Instruments:
Tilt-Photometer Spectrophotometer Fabry-Perot Ionosonde Lidar
Description of Observer Equipment: MITRE will provide a Digisonde ionospheric sounder for 1
deployment near to the Arecibo facility. MITRE will appreciate the AO support to deploy the instrument
Special Equipment or setup: The ISR will be the primary instrument as well as our own
diagnostics. The other instruments are a backup.
RFI Considerations
Frequency Ranges Planned
Sweep rate is 100mS occupying 26KHz.
Scope and Spectrum plots attached but I was only able to sample in a 10KHz BW.
Martin - G8JNJ