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  • @jks unfortunately it was floating because the only M3 standoffs I had were nylon. It would be worth a try to use metal standoffs and then see what changes result. I'll have to try that and report on the results, but is will be a few days. Good thin…
  • Yes @jks, it was connected to the Kiwi board ground plane, by virtue of the SMA connectors being in full contact with the enclosure metal on the inside face; because I removed the powder coat so this would be true. Since you asked, I slid the enclos…
  • Well, that didn't take long. I removed the Kiwi and sure enough, tracking 10 Sats with 7 good. Yeah, I'd say the aluminum underneath the RF section of the GPS front-end was not appreciated :-) I guess I'll have to go with a plastic case instead hi,h…
  • OK @jks, I'll monitor the situation and re-post later. One change I did make, that I can easily un-do, is that I put the Kiwi in an aluminum enclosure. I did not see decreased performance with the GPS when I did this, in fact on the HF side, the bac…
  • I am on V1.19, which seems to be an update to yesterday's update. Until v1.18, my GPS reception was very good with 5 or so locked Sats and RSSIs of 600-1200 typically. As of v1.18, the reception is OK, but there are a lot of underruns and parity err…